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Everything posted by Metrovik

  1. Wow Alan, all I can say is thanks..........and where can I get brass for modelling?
  2. Sorry to plague you with questions right off the bat, but as you seem to know what you're doing I was wondering if there's any advice you'd have for someone a bit less experienced. What are the essential tools? Again sorry to pester you right away.
  3. Sigh... it takes me twice as long just to do a bodge job if cutting some landscape foam. This really is something to drool over.
  4. Just finished the interior of the signal box to a standard that I'm happy with, @Patrick Davey it was an almighty infuriating challenge but I managed to complete the levers scratchbuilt with paperclips and pins followed by painting of the base. Thanks for your help though. The armchair is a bit scraggy but let's say it's well used by the tired signalman. The lamp is just a basic led with wires going down a cotton bud. As you can see it looks a lot better from the front which is lucky. Surprised to see how much support this is getting and a huge thanks to everyone.
  5. Thanks for all the positive motivation, I'm gonna try my best with the signal box levers but may have to resort to the kits if I can't achieve the standard, The idea with the layout is that it's set nowhere in particular but somewhere in Ireland, so I haven't really thought about whats going to run on it. Don't be shocked when you see an NCC jinty shunting goods next to a cork express!
  6. Started my first layout project recently, don't think my modelling skills are quite as good as they could be but that's what it's all about isn't it, getting better bit by bit. Anyway the layout is set nowhere in particular but somewhere in Ireland probably a mainline. (thank God we don't have 4 tracks!). This is reflected in the name. Ballyonait is an anglicised version of Baile Aon áit which directly translated means anywhere town. It's set from around the 1930s to the late fifties so I may need a bit of help from any experts as to what's allowed and what's not. Right now it's just a baseboard with track and buildings some scratch built, some kit built, all of which need modification and more detail. Right now I'm trying to scratchbuild an interior for the Metcalf signal box. Anybody know if this is suitably Irish or any modifications that can make it so? Goods loading platform, one of my first scratchbuilds Interior mocked up with bluetack needs painting and additional improvements. Looks a little shabby right now but bear with me The entire layout for now. Excuse the mess.
  7. Thanks, Now I know that it's possibly serviceable and not a weird kit-built one off, it came in an Athern trains box so you're right about the chassis
  8. To be honest over the course of the last few weeks Im starting to agree with you, but still ain't bad for 50 quid plus it sounds like the real thing albeit unintentionally
  9. Picked up this 121 class at the MRSI show last October, I was drawn to her not wanting to spend upwards of €180 for the Murphy models version. It's a surprisingly good runner given its age indicated by the couplings. I think it's kit built but checked online and can't find any trace of it Anybody recognise it? or better still know who built it? Also there's a lamp fitted inside that lights up, I just don't know why because it seems to just be under the body shell, maybe it once lit the cab or headlights?
  10. Thanks I was hoping to get to Bord na mona soon but if those talks are true I should put them on top of my priorities list. Thanks for the help
  11. Hi, New to the platform and was just wondering if anyone has any access or knows where to find the timetables for works trains or freight trains (albeit seldom) on the Irish network. Thanks.
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