Started my first layout project recently, don't think my modelling skills are quite as good as they could be but that's what it's all about isn't it, getting better bit by bit. Anyway the layout is set nowhere in particular but somewhere in Ireland probably a mainline. (thank God we don't have 4 tracks!). This is reflected in the name. Ballyonait is an anglicised version of Baile Aon áit which directly translated means anywhere town. It's set from around the 1930s to the late fifties so I may need a bit of help from any experts as to what's allowed and what's not. Right now it's just a baseboard with track and buildings some scratch built, some kit built, all of which need modification and more detail. Right now I'm trying to scratchbuild an interior for the Metcalf signal box. Anybody know if this is suitably Irish or any modifications that can make it so?
Goods loading platform, one of my first scratchbuilds
Interior mocked up with bluetack needs painting and additional improvements. Looks a little shabby right now but bear with me
The entire layout for now. Excuse the mess.