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Everything posted by Metrovik

  1. God I love the look of shiny brass kits, how do people work up the courage to paint them?
  2. Well, time for a small, Monthly progress report. Not surprisingly the station roof has hit a standstill, Anyone know if it would look prototypical for this to stay unpainted but weathered to hell and back. Small bit of landscaping, not sure if it really fits in though, might scrap it. The Station is finally more than just a roof. Albeit not much more, detail for this to follow. Station still needs alot of work to look presentable, but I'm getting there. See you next month (all going well), MV
  3. Best of luck lad, I know from experience that you've come to the best place for advice.
  4. Yet again, I'm lost for words.
  5. Only home now, so couldn't reply to this yesterday, was great to meet Patrick and Alan in Bangor (even if I was a bit lost for words.....) as well as other forum members. Shall we say, same time next year?
  6. I can't make it to the meeting live, is there anyway to see a recording of the meeting after the date? Will be shame to miss it.
  7. Really looking forward to seeing Brookhall mill in person in Bangor, Hoping that Patrick will have lots of specials (that he will no doubt come up with a brilliant reason for). Any chance that @Tullygrainey will bring along some BCDR influence again?
  8. Formerly based in the Abbeyliex area I believe, had an exhibition there around 2014. Anybody have any idea where they went? Or if there is any chance of them coming back?
  9. How am I only seeing this masterpiece now!? You have a beautiful thing going on right there.
  10. Excuse the inexperience, but am I correct in assuming the only difference between packs 1-3 of the cie grey examples are the running numbers?
  11. The Little blue tank engine, helped by COVID-19 boredom is what got my interest in Railways going, and despite my interest in the railway series being overshadowed by the real thing in recent months, Awdreys creation still holds a place in my heart. Looking forward to seeing whose names come up in this thread.
  12. Thanks very much, for your help, much appreciated.
  13. It's not so much that Im bashing progress but I can see ICRs in my doorstep and can't see an Loco hauling coaches in the enterprise livery.
  14. Plan on making my first visit to Bray tomorrow, Any chance somebody their would have GSR Station green paint for sale?
  15. I plan on booking a trip on the enterprise, but am really only interested in riding behind, the "real" enterprise not these Railcar replacements. Is there anyway at all too ensure this happens?
  16. So, having read all this, I'm guessing I should preorder a pack for my little 50s Branchline?
  17. Some Society needs to charter a rail tour to this guy's garage
  18. Nosey and grimey, as railways should be.
  19. Magnificent, love these old multiple units
  20. Id say that the lines closure date comes with the train used to pull it up, and take it away. Can't get much more closed than that.
  21. Finished roofing the station today.(Finally!) Needs to be weathered to hell and back though. Far too shiny. Quite happy with how the galvanised sheeting turned out. However the joins along the top will need disguising on this side. As I said, it needs serious weathering, not only because it's Cie and this is far to clean but because I don't like going blind whenever it catches the light!
  22. Good place to "try before you buy" then
  23. Are these new additions to the malahide fleet Permanent?
  24. No obvious names standing out, but there is there were a few numbers and letters stamped on the side, I searched them on Google and found a similar lamp for sale in Japan. However the seller also had no idea where it was from, he also guessed india. A picture of the cleaner lamps stamp
  25. @jhb171achill Any info on its origins? Also thanks very much.....
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