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Everything posted by Metrovik

  1. Thank you very much @Mayner I was expecting a little help but you went above and beyond, making an actual diagram for me. Hats off to you sir. Am I right in saying I need 2 ground signals 2full sized signals ( I like them better...) on the board in the picture above? Many thanks again MV
  2. Monthly progress Report! Track laying has somewhat commenced, many thanks to @LNERW1 for the cork. What a difference it makes! track is not stuck down yet as I'm currently in the process of designing the point levers and changing mechanism for the signal box set up that will operate them (all going well!) Speaking of Signals, could people possibly help me figure out what semaphores are needed on the layout? I plan on using SSM signals (after i practice my soldering) but am not sure whether or not its possible to make them operational. I have attached an edited photo of the track noting what's what. All help is very much appreciated. Also doubt anyone noticed but i removed the tiny runround and have opted to say its "down the line" a.k.a in the fiddle yard.
  3. Now you see, I tried to make a turntable but didn't get any further than a Lego mechanism and a scraggly wooden base!
  4. How have I not seen this layout yet? Simply stunning from top to bottom. Fair play to you Alan.
  5. I think Ill start with the Telephone box....... Shall I get the candles then?
  6. Any ideas as to whether or not the pair will appear on the limerick Ballybrophy line again in the future?
  7. HOW did I miss this!? My only complaint is that I cant see it in Person!
  8. It'll all depend on when the layout is set, anytime up until the 90s then most trams will be a bit out of place, I'd think although I'm usually wrong about these things
  9. Might purchase that Wickham inspection car myself as my soldering could be improved.
  10. Best of luck lad, good to see someone else was inspired by the Wexford show.
  11. Hold on to your sandwiches!
  12. This thread has gone for the birds.....
  13. Well now, was In Wales recently for a bit of volunteering on a narrow gauge railway ( different laws regarding ages of volunteers over-there), and talked to dozens of people over there, who invariably asked "where in Ireland are you from?" When I replied "Laois", They simply looked at me like I was speaking As Gaeilge and replied "Ive been to Galway........." Fair enough its a different country but you'd think at least one would have heard of it.
  14. Hold on, these are 4 wheeled coaches
  15. While waiting for Hattons Coaches to eventually arrive, I've picked up a pair of old ratio kits, which at £5 a pop when I bought them, will look just fine once sprayed green. I highly doubt they're in anyway prototypicalish to Irish stock though. ( I can't believe it.... I kinda answered a question instead of asking it!)
  16. I'll be honest, this kinda looks like a horror film.....
  17. Thanks alot Patrick, Now I feel so sad looking at my non sound fitted models.
  18. Glad to hear we have another knowledgeable person whom I can pester with questions! Looking forward to this one.
  19. It certainly will be nice to see a bit more variety on the 5'3 although I hope the existing dart fleet aren't phased out TOO quickly......
  20. People, we all know that its clearly gonna be this, I mean what layout wouldn't this suit?
  21. Would this be like a BnM Preservation society inaugural meeting? ( That's actually got a nice ring to it....)
  22. No progress to report, (surprise surprise) but I do have a question, Cork, how necessary is it for track underlay or is it sacrilegious to lay the track directly onto the board? Also I've been toying with the idea of making a real signal box for points and signals with the wire and tube method. Thoughts?
  23. Anyone know whether or not this set will be put into revenue earning public service? Would be a nice surprise for trainspotters.....
  24. Come, on Patrick, you know you want to......
  25. Recently upon a trip on the rather sleepy Ballybrophy-limerick branch, I was struck with the thought, how feasible would it be for a rail tour to occur on this line, now the bigger locos would probably manage no problem but wouldn't it be interesting to see Guinness running a trip on the line. This added to semaphore signalling would make for quite an experience. But unlikely as it is to ever happen, is it even possible?
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