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Everything posted by Tarabuses

  1. Why not a model of yourself David so that we can wave to you through the window?
  2. Do we know Conor or Jess? Nice work on the loco.
  3. I would have to say that the uncoupling device impressed me more.
  4. I wonder if Paddy will offer weathered variants as with the 141/181s?
  5. Fairly quiet on the model bus front at present. We'll have to contact Nigel about the Shapeways models.
  6. I did notice that this board was easier to read on the iphone but wasn't aware of the mobile skin.
  7. Even better is the fact that I can access this site at work. For some reason the Yuku boards are all blocked by the office web filter.
  8. How did I get here? It is looking good already.
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