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Everything posted by Tarabuses

  1. There are plenty of photos on their website: http://www.irishfreightmodels.com
  2. I have some IFM wagons too and I would recommend them without hestitaion.
  3. A story in today's Independent says that the Fry Model Railway will be operational in Casino House this summer. http://www.independent.ie/national-news/saviour-of-europes-largest-model-railway-leaves-17m-in-will-3341581.html
  4. They do bring back great memories - hopefully to be repeated.
  5. Here's to a Happy New Year for everyone.
  6. I think the main problem with the tan livery is that there was no relief colour. They just painted everything the one colour (except the windows of course!). We need a return to a green livery on buses.
  7. I have to agree with you that paying the extra for a decoder just to operate the cab lights is a not the best use of your money. How often do you see locos running around with cab lights on?
  8. Happy Christmas to railway modellers everywhere.
  9. It was running perfectly well until they decided to dismantle it.
  10. Railway Modeller is now available in digital format online.
  11. Some nice models there but nothing that would take my fancy. I wonder if they will all be produced in 2013? How about the voice control though?
  12. Not quite accurate to describe it as 150 years since the first London Tube journey. The Metropolitan was (is) subsurface rather than deep level tube line but I wouldn't mind being at that celebration in January. Will any tickets appear on ebay?
  13. Tarabuses

    Family bereavement .

    May I add my sincere condolonces to those already expressed. We owe so much to our parents.
  14. How could it be anything but complimentary?
  15. I'm not surprised as it would be very difficult to finish a kit to your standards, David.
  16. One here as well, a nice shade of blue.
  17. That's what I thought but Hattons seemed to have got their wires crossed. They are still taking orders: http://www.ehattons.com/58979/Murphy_Models_MM0112_Irish_Class_071_111_diesel_locomotive_Northern_Counties_in_NIR_blue_livery_as_on/StockDetail.aspx
  18. No more NIR 112s on the boat? Someone told me that Hattons were expecting a delivery.
  19. Well, they have Rafa and I think they are fortunate that they do. The only man who can bring Torres back for them, if that is possible at this stage.
  20. It seems to have attracted a lot of interest.
  21. Heavy things these Dapol weathered wagons.
  22. I am always interested in new wagons.
  23. No, paint, glue, transfers or whatever you want is extra.
  24. Well done to The Bhoys, lets hope they can build on this result.
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