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Everything posted by Tarabuses

  1. Unbelievable, although it managed to miss the height restriction sign itself! I'd say the driver was quite shocked after that impact - enough to keep him awake in future?
  2. You must have a steady hand with the paint brush - well done.
  3. Great to see this footage of C226. When did it happen?
  4. Good to see that 071 achieved a reasonable price. http://www.ebay.ie/itm/130927558055?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649#ht_93wt_1400
  5. It is an interesting concept, favourite loco, but what makes a particular member of a class stand out?
  6. I see that Joe Duffy will be helping the men of Boyle to build a model railway in this week's programme. http://www.rte.ie/ten/listings/32179920_tv_Local_Heroes
  7. Wouldn't very little used be second hand? Who used it?
  8. I thought it probably was but I thought I would ask in case it was a technical term I had missed
  9. I have been using DCC for many years (even back to Hornby Zero One) but have never moved on to sound. I am tempted by the 201 and 071 options but something keeps holding me back. Maybe it is the 2D effect that I hadn't recognised before?
  10. What is a "niggle" ?
  11. That's an intertesting concept. The livery has been beautifully applied.
  12. Taught or a natural reaction? Her mother (?) seems to be looking elsewhere.
  13. Originally Posted by Tarabuses How do they sound? I'm glad I held off then.
  14. Not too long then.
  15. Reading a post on MREMag it seems the restrictions also apply within Britain. Is Royal Mail internal post also sent by air?
  16. When is the Aer Lingus van due out?
  17. Yes, but that's going to be too much bother for many retailers, I would think. Maybe this is an opportunity for one model shop over here to stock these items since they would no longer have to compete with UK retailers?
  18. If the Model Shop can supply 141/181 sound units then why not MM?
  19. I wouldn't say there is anything "basic" about the track plan. A basic track plan.
  20. Nothing for the 141/181?
  21. Barry Kenny was on Morning Ireland today. While he rightly made a big issue of the bridge strikes he seemed to downplay the Merrion Gates incident even though it caused the most disruption to rail and road.
  22. Now, that is a control room.
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