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Everything posted by Tarabuses

  1. So much for my planned inaugural run on St. Patrick's Day.
  2. I can't wait for a "real" 071.
  3. I see Michael is setting off across La Manche from 7pm tomorrow on BBC2. Hopefully he might take a look at the trains while he is there.
  4. Congratulations to you both.
  5. Tarabuses

    New Arrival

    Congratulations from me too.
  6. I am always happy to support your ventures, David, so I will commit to an RTR version.
  7. Maybe that is their intention so that thay never have to wash it again
  8. Yes, I am getting that invalid attachment notice too but can see the images above.
  9. My understanding is that the resistor must always be connected to the positive (long) leg of the LED.
  10. Thanks for the clarification.
  11. If it is it won't absorb any cleaning fluid.
  12. It is always useful to look at layout plans and exhibition layouts to get an idea of what works well. You need to sketch out a few ideas and see if they fit your space. Keep the radius of curves as large as you can. Whatever you start setting up it will change as you start running trains and see the shortcomongs. It never works first time around and don't jump in with a complex design. There are some simple ideas here: http://www.bandrmodelrailways.co.uk/Design%20ideas.html
  13. Probably not his fault but the way Ebay is set up, however he wants £20 to post to Ireland but only £12 to the UK! He even offers free collection for UK but not for Ireland
  14. Yes, I'm afraid cover dates on some magazines have moved into the area of fantasy.
  15. There have been several Bachmann Mk2As on ebay recently and they all reached good prices compared to the original selling price. http://www.ebay.ie/itm/Murphy-Models-Bachmann-4110-Mark-2A-TSO-Open-Second-Coach-IE-Intercity-X-Two-/261170777802?pt=UK_Trains_Railway_Models&hash=item3ccefdceca
  16. Yes, it is prone to tilting and losing its contents - from experience.
  17. Yes, but not very pleaseant. A bit utilitarian to be honest.
  18. No going back now?
  19. Not to worry, Brian, I ubderstand that you are constrained by Corgi's requirements. It would not be too difficult to change the model's identity after I buy it.
  20. Where have they been hidding them?
  21. Well done in getting Corgi to work with you on this. Would it be possible to have each route variation with a different fleet number?
  22. I like the sound effects and the fact that you have kept the buses in the correct era too.
  23. Why does it say Obsolete beside Availability for all but 143? Do they have stock or not?
  24. This looks like an interesting Lima set that sold for €270. http://www.ebay.ie/itm/290855329613?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  25. I think changing a casting from dual to single door would be more than just a commission. I wasn't aware that Corgi do commissioned models so does that leave the new Northcord model of the EV?
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