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Everything posted by Tarabuses

  1. That set looks to be very good value.
  2. I can't disagree with anything you say and look forward to a Spain v Germany final.
  3. That looks interesting. It would be usefult to see it in operation.
  4. I bought one of MM's chips just to see the cab lights working since this was the only function I couldn't switch on with a TCS decoder. Depending on which of my 201s I install it in I get different results as has wiggy. As Anthony has said the problem is in the circuit board not the decoder which, by the way, I thought was an ESU product. That is what DecoderPro seems to think it is.
  5. That looks like a De Dietrich DVT.
  6. Yes, the fans did us proud although I hear that Roy Keane was critical of them. It seems he would have preferred the fans to boo the team off the pitch. A very disappointing performance and result but we were playing the world and european champions who, on that form, could retain their tilte.
  7. Tottenham could live to regret that decision. They were second from bottom in the Premier League when Harry took over.
  8. Yes, when I made my original statement it looked like Holland were going to be annihilated but they did manage to battle back in the second half.
  9. Looks like Holland will be the first team out of the competition and Germany the first to progress.
  10. The title is "Stephen Roche Born to Ride". It is a new book not a reprint.
  11. I was talking to Stephen in Dundrum yesterday. He was signing copies of his autobiography and seemed to be enjoying the attention.
  12. You'll never beat the Irish well not two games in a row I hope.
  13. Big surprise with Denmark beating Holland. Hope we can do the same tomorrow.
  14. Yes, just saw photos of the masters of both models on Garaiste and they look excellent.
  15. I thought the P class kit was being released in October?
  16. There seems to be a lot of support for him amongst fans. It will be interesting to see who joins him on the management team.
  17. Don't they look strange standing up like that or is it meant to be raining?
  18. You need to get the motor running well on DC before you install a chip.
  19. Thanks to you both for your advice.
  20. I supported Spurs in the early '60s until Liverpool were promoted in 1962. I'm sure you will agree that the two great forwards from that era - Saint and Greavsie - made a fantastic pairing on TV.
  21. Better give it a wash then !
  22. My Antex iron suddenly stopped producing enough heat to melt solder. I thought it might be the element but when I changed the bit the problem was solved. What happens to a bit that would reduce the heat it transmits?
  23. Stolen from another site: Last time terry got changed that quick was when wayne bridge came home early!!!
  24. Any Spurs fans here? I'm sure they are unhappy that Chelsea have "stolen" their Champions League place for next season.
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