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Everything posted by Tarabuses

  1. Three years Champions of Europe in four years. What a fantastic achievement for an Irish team.
  2. Only the change at the junction suited my travel times.
  3. This http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=494&d=1336422649
  4. Yes, already admitted my mistake on the other thread I was travelling back from Limerick when the story broke and only heard the details on 7pm news. A disappointing day all round as my train in both directions was a 22000/2700 rather than the real mccoy, and Kenny's comeback has ended as I feared it might..
  5. Perhaps I can finally bring this to a conclusion by providing a copy of para 454 of the FA report: X Conclusion 454. We conclude these Reasons with the following comment. The Charge against Mr Suarez was that he used insulting words which included a reference to Mr Evra's colour. We have found that Charge proved on the evidence and arguments put before us. The FA made clear that it did not contend that Mr Suarez acted as he did because he is a racist. Mr Evra said in his evidence that he did not think Mr Suarez is a racist. Mr Suarez said in evidence that he will not use the word “negro” on a football pitch in England in the future, and we believe that is his genuine and firm intention.
  6. I knew that remark would come back to haunt me.
  7. He was found guilty of making racist remarks but they stated that he was not racist. The fact that the media may have chosen not to report that only emphasises their hidden agenda.
  8. The last thing I want to see is the whole affair opened up once more. It took up too much time and caused more than enough argument, even amongst Liverpool fans, and I don't want to be the reason why it all kicks off again. Most people have their minds made up on this matter already and I doubt I could influence anyone at this stage. Luis needs to move on and, hopefully, will not be the subject of racist chants next season. The FA found that he was not a racist.
  9. I think this rumour has little credence.
  10. Tongue bitten as I don't agree with your view of the Evra incident, but this isn't a foortball forum.
  11. As another Liverpool fan I must agree about Kenny. I always felt it was very risky for him to come back as manager considering what he achieved before. Never try to recreate your greatest achievements.
  12. Ways and traditions are always used as an excuse but, quite simply, they do not justify lawlessness.
  13. Yes, I saw it in Irishtown on route 3 a couple of times.
  14. I alwatys thought this was the best 98FM allover add:
  15. There should be a warning on the box.
  16. What is it with this model? Mine ended up on the floor too!
  17. We'll have the Bachmann Blue Pullman model later this year.
  18. A very good job on that KD and it looks at home with the Olympian. The ads look like the latest releases from Sunrise transfers. http://www.sunrisetransfers.com/
  19. I somehow managed to miss the last programme so a link would be great.
  20. My understanding is that RH175 is now with the Transport Enthusiasts Club in Dublin.
  21. I received my second 2600 set from David last week, this time in silver livery. It is another excellent model and the paint finish is first class. I don't know how he did it but the curve on the green swoop on the front is perfect and couldn't be bettered by any manufacturer. Really looking forward to the De Dietrich coaches.
  22. There has been much debate about RH175 being the last Leyland Olympian chassis and the final conclusion is probably here: http://garaiste.yuku.com/reply/51588/RH175#reply-51588
  23. A lot of well turned out buses on view. I must make it up there one of these years.
  24. Mystery solved
  25. I have to agree that I would have preferred the 121 to the 201 and it is very disappointing to have it deferred indefinitely. This is not a criticism of Paddy, who has done so much for Irish railway modellers, but just my reaction to the news.
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