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  1. krose


  2. Fuel for man and machine..
  3. There's a first for everything JB
  4. Happy Christmas to all and a prosperous New Year.
  5. krose

    Karl's Workbench

    Hi all thanks very much for the comments. I cant wait to get it finished and see the look on his face. He loves our trips to the station, although he does have a preference for freight especially flats with tanktainers. Eoin, the 121 is a resin kit but i'm sure your methods can be adopted to help improve the model thanks.
  6. krose

    Karl's Workbench

    The ICR project ran into a few difficulties. I sprayed it all grey primer first, then silver then when I did the green it ran under the masking tape at a door handle and lifted both the grey & silver coats. it was christmas eve so i had no time to fix it so it was shelved. In the past month I've taken it out again and touched it up with a brush. I used a brush to do the black, yellow an gloss coat. next up is the transfers.
  7. Nicely weathered Noel.
  8. This is top class modelling well done
  9. Well done on the weathering, they look great.
  10. Best of luck.
  11. Stunning workmanship Richie. Well done
  12. krose

    Karl's Workbench

    Thanks lads great encouragement. Got the silver on earlier and it looks a bit bright in the first photo. Then it was onto masking off for the green which I found very time consuming. Only got 1 car done this evening. I've planned to go for pints tomorrow night so I need to get a hurry on to have it finished on time.
  13. Broithe, I tried the restart but no good. Santy might give me a new phone and my problem will all be solved
  14. krose

    Karl's Workbench

    The purists on here are going to hate this post but I started a small project recently for my 3 year old son who wants a train for Christmas. I wanted something that resembled what he would see on rails here but it would have to be tough & strong so a Murphy Model 071 is out of the question. I found a 3 car Tomy set that would do as a doner for an ICR, as long as you ignore some of the details especially the roof detail Next I masked off the glazing and got it ready for priming with Halfords grey. Hope to start the silver tonight and then the green & yellow before Sunday. I got Des in Studio Scale to produce transfers for it which will set it off. Can anyone tell me what is the best way to fix the decals on so that they stay on, as this model will get quite a bit of handling? or point me to a video/webpage with a tutorial? Thanks Karl
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