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Everything posted by UP6936

  1. I'm wondering if the yellow panel's rounded edges are as a result of reuse of painting templates or something from the 111 class models? Would that be possible?
  2. Just looking at the photo, its it only me or has the green-yellow detail on the pipes above the bogie front absent?
  3. I think most of the gl8 locos built had high-hoods, so it would be quite hard to modify one to look right, if they ever bring out a model.
  4. I know SSM make individual barrels, if it is any help, although it might be a bit impractical
  5. Thanks for the kind comments guys. Warbonnet, I never knew that! Wonder what happened that Bachmann got it wrong?
  6. Heirflick , I was thinking of doing the same. Did you put kadees on your locos?
  7. Yep the 25 is a hornby model. I own two of them and they are both quite old and were bought fairly cheap so I thought it would be good to start with. I think it looks a lot better with a coat of weathering, it doesn't look bad next to my 111s anymore
  8. I got some of the humbrol weathering powders recently, so i have been having a go at dirtying up a TTA tanker and a Class 25. Before i apply the powders, i treat the area with a wash of MattCote and enamel thinners to make the dry-brushed powder stay better. I don't use this method on large areas such as roofs or bodysides hoever, as it could make it too wet-paint looking, in my opinion. I have put a good few pictures of each item up so as to get a good view of the finish. apologies for the strange lighting in the pictures of the tanker, my railway room has very bad lighting, but i learned my lesson and photographed the 25 in the kitchen (where i was doing the work). i am awaiting the arrival of some satin spray varnish to seal the powders fully
  9. lovely locos! is 073 in ir or ie livery?
  10. Yep, you won't catch any railcars on my layout! Wouldnt it be nice if specials like that didn't only exist in 1:76?
  11. Thanks enniscorthyman . I will take more photos of 111, maybe a double header with 112 would make an interesting picture and would allow comparison of the old and new liveries
  12. Thanks for the positive comment, I got 111 from modelshopbelfast today, and I'm really pleased with her, the livery is as you say very nice
  13. Right, i thought i would have a wee go at putting a little 'story' to my pictures. Today, up on the north coast 111 had arrived in with a special seaside train rostered to coincide with the heatwave going on. Due to all NIR loco hauled stock being required for enterprise work, the train was formed of borrowed CIE cravens stock. We see 112 present aswell, as she had arrived the day before following rescue of a stricken RPSI excursion. Ballasting work is ongoing, and due to a lack of locos for anything other than today's day trip and the enterprise, CIE baby GM 190 has come north on a short lease. However, she is required back home by CIE, and this leads us to see a very unusual working. 190 is put on to the return day trip along with 111 in order to get her to belfast prior to a light engine run south, and railway enthusiast across NI have flocked to the linesides to photograph this rare double header.
  14. Tarabuses, a niggle is a word I use for an annoying little problem
  15. I think I remember hearing a niggle had developed with them, as they had been in use previously. I might be wrong though
  16. Any idea how it started ?
  17. Maybe it was clean then some guys off here gave it a sneaky weathering! Lol
  18. Apparently a fire occurred on the 201 working the train and it had to be stopped and all the passengers taken off. They uncoupled the stock and brought a replacement loco, according to BBC news
  19. Lovely models, they remind me of being very young and my railway world revolving around 111 and staring out the window in hope of seeing her as we went past York road on the way to my grannys house, and 'the hoppers' as I called them where something I occasionally saw. Quite whether it was those ones or the newer ones I am not sure though!
  20. I'd say 8113 would be a great buy gm171, and especially if you already had 112, it could be a wee mini York road scene with them lined up though I personally decided to get 111, some might be more era conscious
  21. thanks Train Man, I will do that
  22. Train Man, I know its not really anything to do with you, but would you have an idea roughly when the Belfast model shop would be getting their stock of the new models?
  23. They all look lovely, NIR seem to have a knack for smart looking liveries, and they have been reproduced really nicely on your 3 models.
  24. Great to hear, I have pre ordered 111 and cant wait to see it running round the layout
  25. thanks Anthony, glad there is an easy enough solution.
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