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Everything posted by RedRich

  1. That's looking really good Gerhard. It's an ideal kit for beginners and experienced modellers. The end results look fantastic when they are complete. Rich,
  2. Good man Vincent, I can't wait to see more. Rich,
  3. It's truly amazing work Mike. He explains everything so well. Something like this can sometimes make people feel a bit intimidated but it can be done if you try. Sure mistakes may be made along the way and we may not try something as complex but I hope it inspires people as that seems to be the hope of Ron Heggs. Good luck at the show, I hope it's a good one. Rich,
  4. Robert which ever MK111 you choose you will have to make compromises. The doors on ours were of the electrical type except for two on the restaurant coaches which were the standard type. The windows on ours were also slightly bigger, but it shouldn't really be a big issue. In my own opinion the Lima coaches seemed to represent the shape of the body better than the Hornby version. If you go with the Lima version get some Laser Glaze and etched window surrounds from Shawplan. They really bring the coaches to life. Eamonns EGV turned out sweet and you can't go wrong the way he did it. If you decide you want flush looking glazing use Hornby scale length coaches and you can reuse the glazing. Unfortunately the bogies on either type are very poorly detailed. Southern Pride Models produce really excellent MK111 bogies in white metal and they are fantastic castings. Whatever you choose Robert I'm sure you'll do a great job and let us know how you get on. I didn't mention the Jouef MK111 as they would require the most work where as the other two I'm sure will suit you. Rich,
  5. Jim I'm not backing down mate I swear she's as straight as they come . Seamus's missus and kid's have even accompanied him on railway related trips, lucky man that he is. Mind you I wouldn't like to get in the missus black book. Rich,
  6. Good Jack I look forward to them. Rich,
  7. It's kept me busy for a while following it Jim. Rich,
  8. I thought this would be worth posting after the link to Liverpool Lime Street that Broithe posted in the Warley thread. The structures are completely made from plasticard and are an alternative way to building structures like station roofs and viaducts from plastic as opposed to brass. The chap building the structures is Ron Heggs and he is a genius, he also likes a beer or two. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/28293-manchester-central-castlefields-viaducts-modelling-structures/ I've watching this progress from the beginning and it is wonderful modelling. Rich,
  9. To be honest Seamus my missus prefers straight talk and no bull. Also she happens to think that the models are cool. So I guess I'm lucky. We both spend our cash on what we like after all the other necessities are looked after. Every day is like Christmas in these situations, god bless her. Rich,
  10. It's amazing Seamus. This guy is at the top of his game and truly one of the best modellers in his field. It's one of the greatest examples of weathering a model and photographing it in the correct lighting. It just looks so realistic. There's a few lads in the UK modelling scene that are great weatherers of models, great track builders, and fantastic photographers. When all are combined this is what you get. Rich,
  11. Noel you have a collection of rolling stock to put IE to shame. That's the great thing about model railways you can always re create a scene that sadly no longer exists on the prototype railway. You have a good eye for detail also. Rich,
  12. Put the foot down lads, take control tell her it's your cash. In the long run they prefer it that way. Rich,
  13. Fran you are correct it's another piece of pure class from Kier Hardy. I haven't seen it in the flesh, but I have seen Wibdenshaw and that's another epic piece of work. I've had a few small 00 gauge layouts in my lifetime and I used Peco track throughout and there's nothing wrong with it. The last layout I built was more of a scenic type P4 layout just featuring a part of the lineside and no buildings. I managed to squeeze in a few points they were my first attempts and weren't great but they worked just about. Kier Hardy is an amazing modeller and his track work is sublime, from the building side and the finished look of the painted and weathered track you have to blink to make sure it is only a model. Wibdenshaw is one of the models that has inspired me to have a go at the wider Irish gauge, God help me. It could take years as I predict lot's of mistakes. But it should be a good learning curve and I hope the end result will be worth it. Rich,
  14. Letterkenny is one beautiful layout. Everything on it is top class work. The scenics, the buildings, the railway infrastructure, the rolling stock. I could look at it for hours. Although they need to sort out the electrics to stop the hand from the sky having to be used at exhibitions. Rich,
  15. To be honest Fran my Beatles collection starts at Rubber Soul. I'm less of a fan of the earlier years. I think they became more interested in pushing frontiers within the studio at this time as they had decided to stop playing live. I love Revolver myself as it was a new direction for them. George Harrison seemed to have more of a lead position when compared to earlier albums and it has the first real hint of the bands interest in Indian music. Sgt Pepper wouldn't be my favorite album by the band but it did change things forever. It was the first album to be recorded in stereo. Everything had been mono before that. It was innovative and paved the way forward for lot's of bands. I personally think that Dark side of the moon by Pink Floyd is another ground breaking record. It was the first album by a band to use synthesized music, although in a primitive form. It was a game changer. Outside of British or American music there have been some great bands from Germany that don't get any credit. Most people would probably name Kraftwerk, The Scorpions, or Propoganda as the bands they know from Germany. Berlin was a great city for music and many artists from around the world were influenced by it's style and some great records were recorded there. Music is so diverse and so is my own taste in it, but there are some styles I don't like. I saw James Brown in the Point myself in the 90's, what a night. There was so much condensation rising off the crowd on the floor that it fell like rain when it reached the roof. Just as an aside shouldn't this thread be titled Warley 2012, back to trains. Rich,
  16. I think Benitez has a good track record at his past clubs excluding Inter. I think the alienation between himself and some of the other players was summed up when he substituted Torres in a game and Gerrard was stood hands on hips saying what the hell is he doing. He was gone shortly after that. Robbie Fowler and Jason McAteer were over here a few weeks ago and said similar feelings among other players had crept into the dressing room. Torres was a bit like Shevchenko Chelsea paid an over inflated price for him and stunned his confidence. The problem at Chelsea isn't the players, coaches, or managers. It's Abramovich he has no patience and he is obsessed with Pep Guardiola. Most Chelsea fans dislike Benitez because of past wars of words. I'm sure that if he gets them out of this current slump a lot more fans will come around. Rich,
  17. They are Kirley. I'll update as and when I have news. I think adding these and a few bits on the chassis should improve the model and take it a step nearer the babies and 071-112 models. They are superb runners and they really capture the look of the prototype. Rich,
  18. Fantastic models Noel, very expertly finished. I like the Clonmel bus personally. Rich,
  19. Did you check out the Stone Roses reunion gig Fran. More of a Lennon fan myself. Rich,
  20. Dave my set is long gone unfortunately. If I meet the chap again I'll ask him to check the item number on the box. I'll have a trawl around facebook later and see if he is a member. Rich,
  21. Where are you finding the time, it's really looking good. Rich,
  22. You are very welcome Gerhard. I hope you and your girlfriend enjoyed your holiday in Ireland last month. Irish Railways have a long and very interesting history and if there is any information you may need please ask. Rich,
  23. I love the way that the brake blocks line up with the wheels John. There's nothing wrong with the rocking W iron. I've seen some P4 4 wheel wagons running with them and the Bill Bedford type springing compensation within the same rake with no problems. Rich,
  24. I think Paddy Murphy know's his business very well, and he knows the market for Irish Model Railways better than anyone. I am confident that we will see a rtr one in the future. The prayers will of course be a great help, and I've just said one after the Angelus. Rich,
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