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Everything posted by RedRich

  1. It wasn't Tim Shackleton Richie. For the life of me I can't remember his name. He had painted examples of his work on display and the teak painted coaches were truly amazing for a non mass produced model. His lining was done with a lining pen and he gave a demo of how to achieve the best results. The lining looked as good as any printed lining I have ever seen. He gave a great tip on how to achive a metal look to factory painted coaches and locos by using tiny amounts of t cut and polishing the model. It really took the eggshell look off the model and it looked so realistic. He advised plenty of practice on old pieces of rolling stock to get the technique down to a tee. Rich,
  2. Seamus if you decide to ever use a blade again, put some micro sol on the printed numbers and let it soak right in. Use a curved blade as it won't scratch or cut into the paint. All factory finished models are sealed with varnish before the printed numbers are applied. This is helpful if you are using white spirit or thinners as it may remove some of the outer coat of varnish, but it won't remove any paint. Rich,
  3. I think Murphy Models deserve some credit for correcting the cabside numbers to the correct white with black shadow on 082. It bodes well for the chevron being corrected on the IE and IR models. Rich,
  4. It depends on the paint finish Seamus. If the loco is produced in the same factory as Bachmann models then some white spirit on a cotton bud rubbed gently works, although it can leave a ghost image of the original number if done to rough. I have had some great results with t cut on the tip of a blunt cocktail stick, I got that advice from a well known painter in the UK , doing a demonstration few years ago. Rub gently and it should work a treat. Always make sure that the area to receive the numbers has a gloss surface to help the transfer blend in and it makes the transfer backing paper disappear. Use a matt or satin varnish depending on your choice of finish to seal the transfer. I look forward to seeing some pics of the finished result and I bet it will look great. Rich,
  5. Very nice Pat. I bought 2 truck models a while back and it has kick started a new interest for me. Rich,
  6. I picked up 112 and 071 myself. I am extremely pleased with them. when put buffer to buffer with a baby GM the height difference is spot on with the 071 sitting slightly higher on it's chassis. The paint finish is the best I have seen on a rtr model, they run like a dream. I also like that the various roof antennas, horns , vacuum pipes are factory fitted. It's not that I don't like fitting them myself, I just think it's a nice touch. Sometimes a model shines in one area and gets left down in another, this model is great in all the critical areas with maybe the bogies being a little 2 dimensional. How ever the babies were the same in that department The buffers look more like the 141 buffers but it doesn't bother me that much. I have always thought that the babies were among if not the best looking 00 models I have seen and these new models can take their place alongside them. No model is ever perfect, but this looks like an 071 - 111 from all angles and is worthy of all the praise it has and will receive. It sadly won't win any awards in the UK based polls simply because of the size of the market for Irish models. But if there were awards given by impartial magazine reviewers it would be hard not to give it a best 00 loco award. I've just put a few Cravens behind 112 for a look and the scene looks right. Rich,
  7. RedRich

    SSM Sulzer 101

    I had a good look at the model on Des's stand at the show and it looked amazing. It's probably the best resin, brass, white metal kit I have seen as it just looks right. Congrats on doing a great job in having her finished for the weekend Des, it must have been non stop. I loved the steam loco in the cabinet. The MK111 Gen van looked great as did the other wagons. Good luck to anyone getting a kit they won't be disappointed. Rich,
  8. The tamper looks sweet Noel. I like the IE logo on the side. The fact that it is operational really sets a new standard in per way models. As Jim has said the backs of the houses look great. I'll make sure to see you for a chat tomorrow Noel, not to long to go now. Rich,
  9. That didn't take long Fitz. 10 out of 10 for your sales skill. Rich,
  10. Kirley I have just commented a moment ago on how good the trees look in your layout thread. Another bonus is they'll smell nice with the hairspray. Actually the cheeper the hairspray the better it works. Rich,
  11. That's coming together nicely Kirley. I like the trees, and the space for the layout is something I'd love myself at the moment. Rich,
  12. They would make an interesting if unusual looking model. Rich,
  13. Nice one Fran, you'll have to stick up some photos of the American loco. Rich,
  14. The prototype is a bulky loco Seamus, and the model seems to portray that look also. What year were they originally announced as a future product. I remember that PM made the announcement at the SDMRC and I can't be too sure whether it was 2009 or later. Rich,
  15. I know Fran I can't help it. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow. The old man played a part in the construction of the Waterford Crystal Millenium ball that is in Time Square New York. Rich,
  16. Looking forward to catching up with you tomorrow Des. I can't wait to see B109 in the flesh. A fully built and painted kit of the model will put it up there with the best. I've been watching it's devolpment since it's inception and it has come so far in such a quick time. Another 24 hours and 14 minutes to go. Rich,
  17. Nice one Snapper, fotopic was a great resource for photos and is sadly missed. Rich,
  18. Thanks for the pics Dave they are whetting the appetite even more. Only another 37 hours to go. The boxes do look to be shorter than the 201 boxes which makes sense. Rich,
  19. So Sorry to hear about your bereavement Noel. May I offer my deepest sympathies to you and your family. Welcome back and I hope we bump into each other on Saturday. Rich,
  20. It looks good Stephen and it's really coming to life. Rich,
  21. The most important thing is running your locos and having fun. I could have hours of fun with that setup, and that is the most important thing. Rich,
  22. It keeps me interested Stephen as nothing ever stays the same at the inception of a layout. There are constant changes along the way as you learn. Great ideas can come out of nowhere. I'm beginning to see where this layout is going and it's going to keep you busy. Rich,
  23. I think the model will fulfill a lot of peoples dreams as it was always at the top of a lot of peoples list's for their favorite Irish mainline diesel loco. Rich,
  24. Rome wasn't built in a day Stephen. The progress so far has been moving at a very fast pace. It takes huge amounts of dedication and sweat and tears, but it must be very satisfying to be at the point you are now. I really enjoy the regular updates and it will be nice to discuss things in person on Saturday. Rich,
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