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    South Dublin


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    Anything that is hauled by a LOCOMOTIVE.

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  1. 300 quid for a used model, add on the customs charges and the An Post charge and the British postage cost. Tell them where to shove it despite the ' Very good box ' !
  2. and the second man was hanging very precariously out the cab door trying to see around the curve into Barrack Street
  3. Up to early 1995, 121s did operate bonnet first. The 1135 Adelaide to North Wall liner was regularly worked by a single 121. After some shunting in Dundalk, the 121 would propel part of the liner past the junction to Barrack Street and then work bonnet first down the branch. Also a brake van was at opposite end for the two reverse workings. After more shunting of the wagons collected from Barrack Street, the brake van was left in Dundalk and the liner continued to North Wall.
  4. I detest railcars on the 5'3" gauge but a model ICR is a different kettle of fish, one will look fantastic on my layout. Unfortunately due to restrictions regarding looping , I am limited to a 4 car set on the mainline and reduced to a 3 car set on the branch working, Once again well done to the lads in Carrickmines.
  5. Good heavens Spudfan dont tell her that , " six axles and four axles" , it is a dead cert that herself like all the other herselfs in the country would call in the men in the white coats to take us all away.
  6. When I was in school my 'A' s were Lima Class 33s
  7. I would guess most of them were nicked over the years long before they were withdrawn !
  8. ak425

    Customs & VAT

    Yes Tony. it works more or less the same as UK residents pay so no real complaints about it.
  9. ak425

    Customs & VAT

    Be aware of the customs charge. I got a Class 33 from Rails of Sheffield and had to pay the charge to An Post It arrived a few days later.
  10. Just received one of the wonderful A classes. It is an amazing piece of work . Well done to the team in Irish Railway Models , the three year wait has been worth it. Also well done as always to An Post , delivered to me the day after it was dispatched.
  11. I think I have the body of a Supertrain Lima class 33 somewhere.
  12. Thanks Patrick , I wont sleep now. The Beet campaign is about to start and the 'A's are booked for the Beet trains. That container has to be here.
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