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Southern Yard

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Everything posted by Southern Yard

  1. There was a picture in one of the journals a few years ago of the 4 141s on the then new double track to maynooth. I 'be also seen a video of them in action which was shown in the IRRS some years ago. Nice pic Noel, you'll soon be up for the 'model photographer of the year award' and 'model layout of the year award' with all these recent posts!!
  2. I was at in July it's a great event and those A4s are some machines, they're very athletic looking and deceptively powerful. Bittern doing two 90mph runs next month up the east coast.
  3. I think Tara junction needs A39 permanently, it looks fab! Bring on the videos would love to hear her with sound.
  4. It's there alright if you look for 'B class ballina turntable', then search that up loaders collection for more. Here's another interesting one on the www:
  5. The one benefit of the ban on bonnet first operation was the retention of turntables across the network which was great news for the likes of the RPSI. Definitely my favourite GM:
  6. That's a rare photo alright, I never saw an A class with one before
  7. Where are these?
  8. Spot on eiretrains it is indeed the oranmore oil train which used to run to northwall via Claremorris. It's seen at Ballygluinan in the first shot and Claremorris southern yard in the second photo. The year is 1979.
  9. Where are these locations and what was this train?
  10. I did! [video=youtube_share;rDPNtOcG4Bg]
  11. Here's 088 with the DFDS last Thursday climbing out of Claremorris at notch 8.
  12. Very fine modelling when you compare them with the real thing. An under rated loco in this GM dominated country.
  13. Of course they've reduced their maintenance costs they bought brand new trains and too many of them so they're in fortunate position in being able to rotate stock quicker. Lets see what the maintenance costs are in 10 years time when the current fleet is getting older!
  14. That's a euro a minute as it takes 7 mins to goto Galway! In contrast I was on a train in the south of France recently on the line from Nimes to Le Grau de Roi and its advertised as the 1 euro train. No matter where you get on its 1 euro per trip. The total length of line must be nearly 30 miles. Obviously heavily subsidised but in a region where tourism is important the bus services alternate with the train and don't always compete. Food for thought!
  15. A significant gathering is taking place at the NRM in york at present. Here's a few shots from yesterday. Huge crowds turned out and the 6 A4's looked great lined up in the Great Hall. The model exhibition wasn't bad either and attracted a lot of favourable comments.
  16. Yes a pity mallard couldn't take part but its been a static display for some years now. Bittern is more than making up for it. Top speed recorded from the train was 93mph! The ton maybe yet achieved before these trips are finished.
  17. Today saw A4 pacific Bitterns first of three 90 mph runs for the Mallard 75 celebrations travelling from Kings Cross to York. Youtube has gone into over drive and large crowds lining out at stations along the route. The loco was in fine form also, looking very comfortable at 90mph from the videos posted, obviously designed for this type of running.
  18. Great work alright and a lovely sound, look forward to seeing her back on the rails where she belongs.......the UK (non GM) diesel sounds aren't a patch on the smooth running GM power plants. These GM sounds were the soundtrack of my youth! Notch 8 on a pair of small GM's....heaven!
  19. I went over shap behind Tangmere in April 2012 and it struggled to say the least, speed reportedly fell to 15 mph over shap but these videos show true steam power at its best, imagine what they'd achieve if the 75mph limit wasn't in place. They must have gone over shap at 60mph minimum and that's a 1 in 75 climb!
  20. Thats some amount of power and they're making light work of a stiff climb....must be one of the best runs over shap in steam preservation era.
  21. I'd agree the NRM are mad not to charge given the quality of their facility. The forth coming great gathering is free but they're asking people to donate £3, I even think a £5 fee won't deter people from the event given the line up on display.
  22. IE never came back on my proposal!
  23. Says it all really, while I understand its not IE's job to do heritage the gathering is a one off initiative and we have a few examples of steam and diesel we could have had on display in Connolly along with coaches etc. The RPSI could have run shuttles during the day to make it a real family day.
  24. I think the writer should apply to tourism Ireland for a job! Interesting the gathering in Ireland from a railway perspective involves this rubbish from IE and importing the oldest narrow gauge loco in the world, we mustn't have any heritage loco's in Ireland worth gathering in one location to showcase our history. Mean while across the water they're going all out for the great gathering as part of the mallard 75 celebrations. I think it's time for all modellers to show case their own gatherings on their lay outs!
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