An application (File No. 1335599) for a new concourse / entrance buildng at Kent Station and changes to the adjacent road network was submitted to Cork City Council on 22 April. The development description reads:
'A new entrance building 310m2 with dual entrance and vertical access to a subsurface link 100m2 connected to the southern end of stations existing under pass. The entrance building will incorporate customer information systems, public address, ticket vending,seating, commercial advertising, provision for potential future retail vending. New bi-directional road linking Railway Street/Alfred Street and Horgans Quay serving the new entrance building which will include partial demolition of existing protected perimeter stone wall to form junction with Horgans Quay. New road will incorporate traffic lights, traffic calming features, pavements, bus stops with shelders, cycle parking with shelders. Street lighting,bollards,storm water drainage and perimeter railings. Carpark with 140 spaces with 'Pay & Display' and set-down area accessed from Horgans Quay. Repairs to the rear (Horgans Quay)side of station include demolition of the existing boiler room, removal of existing metal chimneys and redundant cables. Repairs to brickwork and repointing where necessary. Repairs to the Goods Depot's eastern and northern facade include removal of vegetation, removal of single storey outbuildings, removal of loading platforms, hacking of loose plaster and making good where necessary. Kent Station and the Goods Depot are protected structures'. and enter the above reference no in the appropriate box.