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Everything posted by irishthump

  1. Cheers Noel. I was thinking that myself. Is that CIE cast on the side? What would this be used for?
  2. Folks, A friend of mine unearthed this thing and is convinced it has CIE cast into the side. Obviously it’s a form of ratchet. Just wondering if anyone can tell me what it is/was used for and if that’s really a CIE stamp on the side of it. Pics below...
  3. Jayzus. How much are they charging for that job?
  4. In fairness it’s from a known ripoff artist!
  5. Apparently all this stuff is up for grabs..... Lambert Smith Hampton | Assets of Llangollen Railway Plc (bidspotter.co.uk)
  6. Nonsense! Your work is as good as any (and better than alot) of the work that I have seen in the those magazines.
  7. Yeah, even without a Lokprogrammer it can be done by adjusting a couple of CV’s. I standardise the mapping on all my decoders too. It’s great knowing that every loco can be controlled using the same function keys.
  8. Are you running the loco on DC or DCC?
  9. As I said before, Full Throttle features no longer need to be built into Loksound V5 sound files as it is now a logic function in the decoder’s firmware. It merely needs to be “switched on”. I did this with my own MM 121 decoders. F28 needs to be activated to use “manual notching” on the decoder. F5 is Drive Hold.
  10. I dislike airbrushes for fading effects, the result never looks natural to me. You can also use enamels for dot filter techniques. This class 25 was done that way although I didn’t go for a heavily faded look.
  11. Yeah that Select Direct Decoder is a aimed at the US market so it’s not readily available in Europe, although I’ve seen them for sale from Digitrains in the UK from time to time. It could be difficult finding a pcb to fit, you could also try wiring one of these in place of the board.... https://www.ebay.ie/itm/223080396588
  12. They could see a lot of discounted stock coming their way!
  13. Well I’ll happily laugh at their predicament! Sorry for being political, but the amount of business owners who voted for Brexit is mind boggling. I have zero sympathy for them. You got what you wanted folks. How does it taste?
  14. Sorry but you’re dead wrong there. As was already said it was about being able to order item(S) that couldn’t be shipped any other way. Parcel Motel and Addresspal were a godsend for me. The vast majority of UK based EBay sellers wouldn’t post to Ireland at all and the ones who did charged ridiculous money. They nearly all offered free shipping within the uk so all I paid was the charge from Parcel Motel or An Post. It’s all finished now. I’ve recently invested a lot of time and effort into seeking out suppliers within the EU and now that I’m sorted I won’t be ordering from a UK based company ever again. They’re loss.
  15. Personally Noel, I think you've just been fortunate. The Rail-Tec stuff could easily slip under the radar as transfers come in a flat envelope and as the article I linked to above shows Hattons are'nt exactly a safe bet. To be honest I can't see it getting any better, especially when the transition period ends in July. At the risk of getting political, to hell to with it, I've lost interest in the whole sh@t storm. They voted for it, let them stew. I'll buy from the EU and the world will spin on.
  16. Not good news for everybody it would seem, is this a member of this parish by any chance? Online shopping from the UK delivers financial shocks (irishtimes.com) Personally, I've abandoned the idea of ordering ANYTHING from the UK. I've oretty much sourced anything I need from EU countries.
  17. I'll be up front, Irish steam (or any steam for that matter) is something I'm just not interested in so I would'nt be buying one. I try to support IRM, and to a lesser extent Accurascail, as much as possible. But I can't see myslef buying something I won't run. There is far too much other good products to spend my hard=earned on.
  18. Yeah have to agree! I was considering using a couple of SMD's (0603 or 0805) and wiring them to the PCB.
  19. Had a good look through the Loksound V5 manual last night and both the starting and top speeds of the loco while on DC control can be independently set. There is also a setting for allowing the lights and sound to activate before the loco moves off. Unfortunately though Michael will need acess to a DCC controller to check and adjust these settings.
  20. Lovely! Grabbed a couple of the keg packs as I missed out last time!
  21. Ah not good! If I were you I'd be contacting Murphy Models about repair/replacement.
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