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Patrick Davey

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Everything posted by Patrick Davey

  1. One afternoon, Mr. Sandy Castles, the Clogherhead stationmaster, was getting totally fed up with the incessant chatter of the seagulls around his station. But Sandy was a quick thinker, and soon the reinforcements were arriving...... Seagulls v Locos.mp4
  2. Welcome James - looking forward to enjoying your contributions and to watching the progress on your layout.
  3. Yes indeed. Pity about that carpet..........
  4. I don't mind Sam's videos - yes they're a bit long and I squirm at the sight of the trains running on the carpet, but I like his style.
  5. Just out of interest, does anybody have one of the brand new Hornby Black 5 models? I have no intention of going down that route, but I was just interested as it was hailed as the ‘ultimate’ Black 5 yet it hasn’t received universal rave reviews……..
  6. Best one yet!
  7. Indeed, I believe this may have been mentioned before……. during a discussion about Gannet the Great and his followers
  8. The missing one must be on the beak….
  9. 47 birdies ready to stick on the layout. One seems to have flown off…..
  10. Yup - it was potentially very expensive, but I was lucky enough to be able to get them on higher perches!
  11. All Herring - says on the colour insert
  12. Primed birdies.
  13. Multiple light passes of spray primer:
  14. This should be interesting I have the above x 4, so 48 in total. As usual, a very high quality product from Modelu. Getting ready to spray white primer, then I will pick out the details. Can’t have a coastal layout without the ubiquitous sandwich grabbers
  15. Having the fiddle yard now has allowed me to operate the layout to its full potential. Here's an example of the workings from a March day long ago........ Looking forward to the arrival of the Bulleid open wagons and the Park Royals. Clogherhead 13-03-1970.mp4
  16. Friday March 13th 1970, and A3r departs from Clogherhead with the afternoon service to Drogheda. By this stage, the meagre traffic was amply accommodated in a single Craven coach.
  17. A3r was very excited to pose beside a photo of herself as a kid.
  18. 93 I think David.
  19. Sad to learn of the passing of Neil Sprinks, legendary railway photographer and author of the landmark book on the SLNCR. May he rest in peace.
  20. Nice prototype! Good luck with the build now Denis!
  21. Painted the fiddle yard board black.
  22. More explorations of the new fiddle yard by B125: IMG_5948.mov
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