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Patrick Davey

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Everything posted by Patrick Davey

  1. Oops, I have either missed those or forgotten Can’t find the post either, can you tag me or share again?
  2. Any clues on the era or region, Leslie? You have been very generous with us GNR folks recently, so I imagine it might be something to counterbalance that…..?
  3. Brookhall Mill will be there both days
  4. A builder friend once told me that before the current build has finished, he always starts looking ahead to the next one, and so it is now, as Clogherhead nears completion...... I have changed the title of this thread to reflect the new plan. I built a non-working diorama of Capecastle a few years back but regrettably I had to dismantle it and my mother and son haven't let me forget that, so I need to right that wrong. The plan is to rebuild Capecastle but as was discussed earlier in this thread, to do so in a larger scale, probably O gauge using Peco O-16.5 track although this is still a bit narrow for the Irish 3ft narrow gauge. The big difference here is that I will definitely be making the layout operational and after careful consideration, and having reluctantly decided to park the S class compound plan, I have decided to aim for one of the 060 saddle tanks which were provided for the opening of the Ballycastle line in 1880, and named 'Dalriada' and 'Countess of Antrim'. I will most probably go for the second named because I have a photograph of my great-grandfather on the footplate of this locomotive at Ballycastle - he was a driver on the line in its independent days. Alan Nixon @Tullygrainey has suggested that a Hornby Peckett 060 could provide a fairly good donor chassis: The rear driving wheels aren't quite spaced the same but the cylinders are very close, particularly the slight slant. I would be confident that I could build a body for the locomotive from plasticard and metal fittings. The cogs are turning........
  5. Thanks David - it's one of Leslie's PW kits so all transfers came with the kit I think?
  6. Busy late GNR scenes at Clogherhead with T2 442t no. 64 preparing to depart for Dublin with a special.
  7. A few more views from around the layout today.
  8. Super progress, fabulous layout
  9. Sure - am no DCC expert though but someone here will know more
  10. On July 4th 1945, a visit was made to Brookhall Mill by a special publicity unit of the US Army, supposedly to acknowledge the role the mill played in the war effort. The exact nature of this role has never been fully revealed and repeated attempts by historians to access closed government files have been thwarted. There must be a story there somewhere...... (Otherwise known as 'a flimsy excuse to build some classic Airfix models' (although the staff car actually came from a model company in Ukraine.....)
  11. Love the upholstery! Insanely good work on this unit, as always!!
  12. Looking well - keep the updates coming!
  13. Fabulous videos @Dempsey, this is my kind of layout, compact, great detail and plenty of operating potential! Am with @ttc0169 though on the sound chip, it sounds a bit different from mine...?
  14. Three of the finest. And they all sound different from each other!
  15. Some rare footage has been unearthed, of a GNR train arriving at Clogherhead. 64.mp4
  16. A few video clips from today's workings at Clogherhead. Those seagulls are very noisy. Clogherhead.mp4
  17. Yes - acceptable to me as a reasonably accurate representation of elderly GNR(I) carriages Thank you Leslie!
  18. A few photos from a very enjoyable and long overdue running session today on Clogherhead. Video clips coming later. Special thanks to Alan @Tullygrainey for coming along to help!
  19. The latest in my ‘Late Night Scratchbuild’ series….. I thought if the original GNR sand office wasn’t fit for purpose, but the sand traffic had to continue, then surely they would’ve provided a Portakabin….. And yes, it has a fully detailed interior…..
  20. My late night scratch built picnic benches are now in place on the flat area in front of the tea room. Pity it’s closed…….
  21. Yes, and maybe it shouldn’t be boxed into this thread
  22. Possibly, but it would be no picnic
  23. Just realised this should have gone in my Clogherhead thread
  24. Some sneaky late night scratchbuilding…… two rickety looking picnic benches knocked up from the sprues of a now-built SMS laser cut product! These will be suitably weathered and placed on the flat area outside the derelict tea room.
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