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Everything posted by John-r

  1. Sorry . I meant very nice robert. to busy looking at the photo of the double beets.
  2. Very nice Jason,. They really are a pleasure to build I find. The colour on yours looks smashing. any idea on how you'll approach the weathering.
  3. Fair play Noel,. weathering looks very tasty, . Don't know if I have the cohones to do that just yet. you have really immersed yourself into air brushing and scratch building with great results,. well done.
  4. Finally got the chance to give my bubble wagons a good inspection,. WOW ,. the level of detail is just outstanding, these wagons are exceptional . A big thank you must go to the four lads for bringing this community such amazing wagons,. Without their enthusiasm and commitment for our hobby ,.! well the wagons speak volumes. Thank you . Stephen,Fran,Patrick& Richie. ps as usual don't know if posted in right place.
  5. Forgot to add , that's another great deal for the show which I will be availing of, sorry for taking my last post slightly off topic.
  6. That's an amazing price on what looks to be a great looking wagon especially the bogie detail,. You lads are really full off surprises,. Hats off to you all. regards. John.
  7. brickwork is really good , so realistic,. Lovely work. well done.
  8. Smashing job so far Noel,. Watching this with intrest,. well done
  9. Very well said rich,. Couldn't agree more. Lads they look brilliant,. Some effort you are all putting into this project, land I for one greatly appreciate it , thank you. john.
  10. That is taking it to the next level, excellent well done all concerned.
  11. Ha , Noel great minds think alike, I did the same as you lined up all the cravens and noticed the difference in the bogies, I then swapped over wheels from an rpsi coach to a standard craven now admittedly I only run my finger along the wheels, but I saw no wobble on the rpsi coach when wheels were changed then changed back to original rpsi wheels and wobble was back, as I say I had no track to try this on but i saw a difference. Just to add still glad I got this lovely set of coaches and would in time like to see the remaining coaches released. Well done rpsi.
  12. Very well taken video, really clear and great detail, thanks you.
  13. Thanks for the info Fran, lovely photos of the bubbles btw, they look like they will (cement) there place alongside the ballasts for being exceptional, best I could come up with sorry, I'll go now.
  14. Hi Fran, silly question time, do you have any idea how many bubbles got Irish cement branding. My reason for asking is if it's only a few more than the three pack it might be worthwhile for me to get another pack and possibly see about renumbering them, Tia, John.
  15. Very nice video Noel, very well taken , thanks for sharing.
  16. Likewise a pleasure as always jhb. Great sight to see two heritage locos, both very well turned out along with the coaches all spotless, A credit to all who put time and effort into the tour, although I only met it in Tralee it must have been a very enjoyable trip. unfortunately on the day I could only find a tablet that I was not familiar with to take photos with, I thought I had some great shots when I got home most were of the platform ah well.
  17. Was lucky enough to get a set when the tour arrived in Tralee, Very impressed with the presentation box and smart looking coachs, Very well done to all concerned with this project and hopefully more packs will arrive in the future.
  18. Great video Fran, thanks for posting, some sound going past at speed. can't wait to see them arriving in Tralee later.
  19. Looking forward to watching the double headed 071s arrive in Tralee and getting a few photos, I will probably be the only & lonely one taking photos on a phone, Any IRM members passing by please say hello
  20. Thanks for the times wanderer, got some nice photos of 073 and coaches, really looked well. will try and upload a few pics if I can figure out how to get them from the phone to here.
  21. Class pictures wanderer, thanks for posting . Hope 073 makes it to tralee tomorrow, would be well worth a photo or two .
  22. Absolutly stunning, it will be well worth the wait and more, you all deserve a drink and massive thank you from us all, great stuff lads.
  23. Stunning piece of craftsmanship , very well done.
  24. Hi Fran , I would like to see all of the above, over time of course. maybe with photos of tools and products used and where they can be sourced locally if possible .not asking much am I, great idea btw.
  25. Survey done. Lovely looking detail on the Tara Fran, another winner.
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