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Everything posted by Mayner

  1. Its well worth checking out Neill's other videos Although mainly narrow gauge the broad gauge side of things seems to be getting bigger with SLNCR & GNR railcrs nd rail busses. John
  2. The 071s & the NIR 11s were originally fitted with mounting/blanking plates for snatchers but I am not sure if the snatchers were actually fitted. When the 071s were introduced they were rostered mainly to long distance main line passenger operation out of Heuston, occasionally showing up on the Enterprise and Connolly Rosslare passenger trains. At the time snatcher opertion was mainly limited to non-stop trains on the Clonsilla & Mullingar section but the operation was discontinued in the early 1980s with the re-opening of Maynooth and the closure of a number of Block Posts. When originally introduced the 071s seem to have painted in a darker richer shade of orange to that used by CIE and for severl years were banned from freight trains due to driver/union concerns with braking and traction. John
  3. The Sharks went to the Escanba & Lake Superior in Upper Michigan. There is speculation whether the Sharks still exist, its alleged that its alleged that the owner has kept them hidden away for over 20 years after a bad experience with Railfans. ELSR have/had a fleet of Baldwin Switchers and Road Locos http://www.railroadmichigan.com/mign1216s1.jpg John
  4. Besides dabbling indoors in Irish Modelling on the Broad and Narrow Gauges and a G Scale American Narrow Gauge layout, I also had a fair interest in American N Scale. I dusted off a pair of modules based on the One Trak concept that I started in Dublin in the late 90s basically to see if they are worth re-using. Snowbirds and U Boats A pair of Atlas LV Snowbirds approaching the yard. In the background a D&H SD45 leads a consist of Kato U30s & SD45s Across the bridge mixed D&H power wait on the yard lead and loco servicing tracks. The original modules used to live on a shelf above the workbench which could be operated as a switching layout and were later incorporated into an attic layout. Grain Elevator and Yard Throat Module The modules are based on the idea of two railroads entering a shared yard. The Downtown Module Walthers and DPM warehousing in the background. The model is based on elements from Binghampton, New York where the DLWR and Erie had parrallel lines through the city centre. Sharks and U Boats I could not resist this probably the best and the worst real and model! Atlas U23Bs and E-R Models (Bachmann) Sharks. John
  5. Bit of a Mixed Bag. Recently I have been catching up trying to finish a number of half started loco and rolling stock projects. To complicate matters a little in three different gauges and scales:). About five years ago I decided to sample some of the locally manufactured kits of NZR locos and stock. Model Locomotive Company 9mm Scale NZR F & S Scale NZR open wagons Runs on O Gauge track the kit is a mixture of whitemetal and brass stampings and a hell of a lot of lost wax castings. Most of the assembly work is complete just a uestion of adding the details. The wagons are a mixture of whitemetal, resin and plasticard parts. Whistle and Safety Valves Westinghouse Pump, Headlamp and Turbo Generator blutacked in place Because of the size most of these sub-assemblies will be pre-painted and pinned in place. A bit closer to home TMD (SSM) MGWR E Class GSR/CIE J26 The main sub assemblies ready to go! The first etch brass Irish loco kit designed 1981 & the first brass kit I attempted which is still going strong. Georgian Windows and Doors! I am planning to use thses in a terrace of low relief houses on my Liffey Branch test track. John
  6. Weshty you forgot to mention the best part was that the cattle were being loaded at the Down Passenger platform, a real bull in a china shop image with flower baskets, potted palms, the farmer looking on dressed in his 70s best brown suit. There is/was a video from the same era of the Sligo-Limerick Goods shunting at Kiltimagh a B141 with a Lomac & a JCB setting back into the yard to pick up some vans, the shunter another 70s fashion victim wearing a suit with elephant flared pants and platform shoes. I wonder how long he survived. John
  7. I dont know or want to know about the background, but the new Newsgroup is a bit like the old Rio Grande Railroad when the occupants of Animas City all upped sticks overnight and moved to Durango:rolleyes:
  8. Quite a surprise best of look with the new thread John
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