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Everything posted by Weshty

  1. When did the black and tan livery disappear? c.75-76? I can only ever remember the Supertrain livery, and all the associated ads on TV. As a 7 year old I thought the Mk2s were the dogs nuts compared to the laminates and cravens, not that I knew what they were called back then. More that the Lams. were the ones with the terrifying jangling and cranking corridor connections and the ventilators you could stick your heads out unsupervised on scout trips to Funderland....
  2. I think it's fair to say that EVERYthing looked beigey in the 70's...or orange..or brown...or avocado.
  3. Hi JHB, I may have mentioned that I am looking at a D17...
  4. As always, thanks for the pics JBH
  5. The last update was 10 months ago.
  6. Nice one Harry.
  7. Now THAT is an interesting emoticon......
  8. get yourself into a nice clean-windowed 22000, early in teh afternoon on the way into limerick with a fast shutter speed wide angled camera and you should be in luck.
  9. So what flavour Richie, if this was Dungeons and Dragons, would you be chaotic evil or Neutral Good
  10. +1. Getting upclose photos, very very difficult, given CIE now follow a Elf and Safety Mantra that woudl make your head spin.
  11. +1
  12. I also have the covered wagon set €14 of course all these numbers when printed will be in white.
  13. Vent and Plank transfers set €9 is already available
  14. I actually use stencils if appropriate once larger than a scale 6". Below this, it doesn't render very well
  15. Damn.......that looks very good, love the cattle area.
  16. Gotta love that 70's formality Shirt, Tie, Jacket and not a hint of dayglo anywhere. All that's missing is a Twenty Major in his maw.
  17. Nope, two different colours alright. Cracking photos lads, they'd have helped back in the day
  18. Richie's cad does not lie (does it ever?). Here's a shot of a flat in Limerick 10 years ago, plain to see that the buffer is a big boy all right.
  19. Ahh, the double height keg cages. And a 60's style light, and a H wagon. Nice one.
  20. Weshty

    Gswr 4-8-0t

    Sharp intake of breath there. Very very nice. Suitably "roundy" looking.
  21. More who Feyd-Rautha was rather than a what. He was the Beast Rabban's utterly twisted and evil nephew and for anyone who watched David Lynch's 1984 version was played by Sting with some....let's say "memorable" costumes. Now back to Hornby, interesting figures there Ed.
  22. I see something similiar in Lego. While my lads love the fancy sets, they get the value from the more basic "Lego City" sets. they leave way more to the imagination.
  23. Heh! House Harkonnen just sounds so much more Badass than House Ballybeg (and I'm no Feyd-Rautha). Package ready soon, I've been distracted by trying to set up a virtual machine to enable XP mode on a W7 laptop.
  24. To quote Jamie Callum, pointless nostalgia it may be, but it's clearly tickled a few fancies, given the volume of diverse and varied responses. Paraffin to Gauloises. Who'd a thunk eh? Just so you know Mr. Derg, there's been some intense riveting action completed at House Harkonnen. But more anon.
  25. Of course smoking 40 untipped Woodbine a day probably didn't help.....
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