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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. =))
  2. Thanks for that
  3. I think no grab irons on the 071's looks quite smart
  4. easy peasy lemon squeezy.
  5. Anyone care to explain what the format or make up of all the numbers mean. I get the 071 bit but what's all the rest a break down would be nice. I assume 201's etc etc will be getting them also.
  6. OH Yes !!!
  7. Its starting to grow on me
  8. Great looking model
  9. Thanks for the update have you heard anymore on the faith of the Gatwicks
  10. Pints you ain't getting of that easy mines double vodka and red bull
  11. Great find mate thanks for that I new they had pulled them but I'd never seen it. Well done
  12. Looking great Noel BTW what did the SA stand for and did all super train liveried locos carry this
  13. Maybe we could both do it. See you there the beers are on you
  14. Maybe he's going to do the Full Monty =))
  15. DCC controllers have been already covered in depth on the site. If you do a search you should find plenty to read about
  16. Thanks for that glad you enjoyed it will do some more videos soon
  17. Noel are the sidings in Ballina a dead end or are their points at the end of them so that a loco can uncouple and cross over to run around. I'm thinking of putting points at the end of my sidings for this purpose
  18. @ The Train man (Seamus) I don't know what happened your post there Seamus but Thanks for the compliment
  19. YEP!!! Same as your good self =))=))
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