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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. Love the house/pub/shop can that sign be removed to make it a house?
  2. Well done K, looking forward to the next year
  3. Thanks David some great info there and well explained.
  4. Absolutely FANTASTIC
  5. Wiggy can you give us a look at the NIR coaches in the background =)) The layouts coming along nicely:-bd
  6. Try uploading them via photobucket.
  7. Iarnrod if the Galway tender is the last one its not an Iveco but a Volvo FL6. BTW any prices please.
  8. Actually what you have done looks spot on. You don't really want to try gluing them to the grills as if you you get to much glue on the grill it will ruin the look of it. As I said it looks great as well as the new layout
  9. Looking fantastic Eamonn I love the platform signals
  10. Great work mate can't wait to see the video
  11. Great photos I like the supertrain livery with the IR logos. Any pics out there with the 071 in the same livery
  12. 3mm of the tank and 12mm from the centre of the chassis Check this video at 8min 31sec http://www.irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/1630-A-little-look-around-Ballykay-today
  13. It can be nerve wrecking sometimes when you have something new in front of you that your about cut etc. I've started the second platform and been taken photos as I go along. It works out a lot cheaper than buying the equivalent in the shops and also a lot better looking so I hope to get the photos posted up here over the weekend so some of you guys can have a go for yourselves
  14. Great to see her on film thanks for sharing
  15. It will grow on you mate. The way to look at it is that the 071's are getting a hell of a lot of work done to them so in theory they should be around for a lot more years.
  16. I might just paint them grey anyway and keep you happy
  17. =))=)) BTW dont forget and bring the biscuits next Friday
  18. Definitely I would prescribe a course of injections and possibly some electric shock treatment. There's nothing worse than a rivet counter =))=))
  19. Your starting to fall into the rivet counter category now Fran. I think there is a help group out there for those people you may even be able to get injections to help you also =))=))
  20. The pic I have jhb the coach has no paint left on it due to weather/time etc so its very hard to tell what the livery was. Look forward to your up date after you talk to he who know's
  21. Chris has some good shots on his site. I can't get over how neat 077 looks with the smooth finish (no grab irons or plate on the side of the cab)
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