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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. I don't think they carried the front steps. I've also noticed that there was a ladder on the rear side of some of the tenders
  2. The Dapol pocket wagon is probably one of the lightest wagons out there. the ones I have are all plastic. If you cut the wagon and your joints perfectly straight. The new extended pieces if properly bonded to the wagon it should be strong enough. A 45' container is not that heaviest and its weight is spread evenly over the length of the wagon. I would say that your joints ain't strong enough a few shims of thin plasticard under the wagon should cure this and thus allow you to remove the rails from the inside of the wagon.
  3. K why did you stick those lumps of rail in. If your joints are properly glued and left to set you should have no issues with strength
  4. Correct Mate its probably one of the last times you will ever see an orange loco and coaches in Dundalk
  5. It ain't that far from Sligo airport you could fly in Broithe
  6. It was a great surprise when driving down through the station car park I spied the orange roof of an 071.
  7. No problem mate its always nice to make contributions to the site:-bd
  8. Spent well over an hour getting some very detailed shots for future weathering projects;)
  9. OH yes I'll second what burnthebox says. More photos Noel please
  10. Great photo Noel. I bet you spent the whole day just looking at her
  11. Told you all this last year the 121 is a hell of a long way of been produced. As wrenn says until everything else out there from MM is sold forget about it
  12. Welcome to the site lads. Maybe we could organise for the members of this site to take a day trip up on the train someday.
  13. A big Thanks you to the site member who gave me the tip off that this train was heading my direction today. :tumbsup: I could have spent all day just sitting watching 084 in the old orange livery.:x:x
  14. Ah 50 miles Pat that's nothing. Boyle used to be a regular run for me 1st drop in Enniskillen then more deliveries in Sligo,Boyle, then down to your neck of the woods Longford, Mullingar. Then finish up with the last drop in Delvin and home via Kells/Ardee.
  15. Its only up the road from you Pat go check it out and report back to us
  16. Is that another 2 women that didn't love you =))
  17. Loving it Would love to see a model of my old haunt Ringsend
  18. Would they be Knock or GAA specials
  19. Hi Colm drop me a PM and I'll only be to glad to sort out your requirements. Kieran has my contact details if you would like to call me.
  20. Link still not working
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