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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. Looks great well done
  2. Great site Colm
  3. Try using a little of this stuff ( Wahl Clipper oil). And when I say a little I mean a little. I put a little on a cotton bud and run it along the rails for about 20cm. Then run your trains and their wheels will put a micro thin layer around your track. I have inclines on my layout but i never get any problems with traction and using the wahl clipper oil. I've had great results also it can be used to as a lubricant in your locos. I can't stress enough a very little goes a long way. I've also been reading up on guys putting a very slight amount of transmission fluid on their loco wheels and this also seems to be getting great results in keeping track and wheels clean and in good condition. This is also a good read http://model-railroad-hobbyist.com/node/3229
  4. The last line as quoted probably would have been enough but thank you
  5. I only unpacked these ones this morning my other ones have foam end inserts added will post some pics later
  6. Just to let you guys know that Baseboard Dave is now doing storage trays so you can safely store your rolling stock. I picked some up from him yesterday at Stillorgan. Highly recommended. http://www.modelrailbaseboards.com/
  7. Thanks mate
  8. Nice one Broithe
  9. Looking great bud. BTW where did you get the really big bottle of copydex.
  10. Rubber traction tyres don't cause dirt on your track. What causes dirt on your track is the arching between your steel wheels and the track causing a build up of carbon. This has been well documented on other forums. Turn your lights of and run your trains in the dark you should see the arching between the wheels and the rails. It's also believed that its more prominent with DCC. I use a cotton bud and white spirits to clean the wheels. Works a treat.
  11. Glad you like her Dave the look on your face today when I took her out of the box was priceless. Any of you other guys looking for one of your locos repainted you know where to find me.
  12. Noel informed me that 077 had her newly painted bogies replaced at the last minute by a set of refurbished unpainted boggies. That's why they are dirtier than the rest of the loco.
  13. Can the chassis be purchased on its own or do you have to buy something like the Dapol 20 Ton Twin Silo Cement Wagon kit? thanks http://dapol.co.uk/index.php?route=product/isearch&filter_name=silo
  14. Ok lads there's already one slanging match going on about IFM on another thread we don't want another started here.
  15. That brass SD40 is awesome :drool::drool:
  16. Old BR Blue Mk3's still in use its a shame the same can't be done with ours [video=youtube;w-Ew7f1oo14]
  17. Richie and Wrenn I applaud you both for striking up the courage to say what you have said It's one of the biggest problems with not only this site but other sites that have gone before it. The fact that you can't say what you honestly think of an IRISH manufacturers products or someone workbench unless its positive even when the product is far from it. That fact that you will be chastised for daring to speak what everyone else is thinking and afraid to say. Its that old Irish attitude Ah sure don't rock the boat sure their one of our own. This has got to stop. If someone wants to give an honest opinion of a product or workbench they should be allowed to do so without fear. What sickens me is when I look at the IFM section on this site the amount of back slapping that has been posted there. Yet when I speak to these people who know me in person at shows or events or on the phone 99% of them can't string two goods words together to say about IFM products (and yes before you say it they have bought from IFM so they know what they are talking about) I always say to them well why not post your feeling on the site. The reply usually is something along the lines of "are you mad do you want me to be taken out blindfolded and shot at dawn by the other members". Now I'm not saying open the floodgates for a barrage of negative comments what I am saying is if you ain't happy with what you see or bought say so so that the manufacturers can have a chance to address the issue. Remember there are young kids and people out there who have to save up long and hard to buy something and its not very fair when people come on here back slapping just for the sake of it and lead other people into a false sense of security in buying a manufacturers products that ain't up to scratch. Its nice to see that we can all finally have a healthy discussion about this issue on the site
  18. Be careful Richie the last time I raised issues about a substandard Irish model made by an Irish company the sky nearly fell in. It even caused one individual to go on a one man cause ringing and PMing people to have me removed from the site. Very funny reading the above posts how its one rule for one and another rule for another you must be special.
  19. Vincent you would probably be better putting it on eBay as you would have a bigger audience for European HO models compared to the limited numbers who model European HO here on this board. And you never know you might get more than what you're looking for it on eBay
  20. I also have to agree with Anthony, just not enough people doing 21mm to justify ANY extra cost to an already expensive model
  21. John reading your reply above I see where you are coming from but and there is always a but if you look at the market there are very limited amount of people modeling 21mm compared to 16.5mm. Someone said in an earlier post that there is another site with a lot of 21mm modelers on it but the fact is the discussion is happening here and not somewhere else so I can only comment on the majority of members on this site which model 16.5mm. At the minute on this site we have 381 members now out of that there is only yourself that I can recall (I may be wrong and stand to be corrected) who has posted up 21mm topics photos layout etc etc which are fantastic and I love to read and study your work as it does give me an insight into 21mm and there was someone else who was doing a thread on building 21mm track. Then there are others who do a lot of talking but thats all they do. The point I am trying to put across is I don't see why if a manufacturers asks the question what would you guys like to run behind your MM locos I'm thinking of doing a run of something, that if accommodating 2 members it may push the cost up for the other 379 members (and remember I'm only talking about this site) it don't make good business sense to go down that road. Leslie asked in his original thread what would we like, Arran as we know is already working on a wagon. Now if they can do something to accommodate both 16.5mm and 21mm and keep the cost down I'm all for it but if they can't well then it has to be majority rules and that is 16.5mm.
  22. Your like me mate on the Belfast line spoilt for choice
  23. Shhhhhhh Pat say nothing we'll give you the credit anyway
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