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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. Added some lighting to the inside of the big shed at Ballykay. The next thing will be to put the concrete floor in and raising the shed by 4mm
  2. That's the way the America clubs do it and some privat owners. Have an open day with an entrance fee and invite other clubs.
  3. I think Stephen it's a case of an Irish price for an Irish product. As Fran pointed out in the link he provided DCC decoders etc can now be bought for quite reasonable money. When you buy RTR now adays customers expect the price to include DC/DCC ready. As said when you add 100 notes onto the price straight away your up into the DCC sound bracket.
  4. That link ain't working
  5. Wow 100 euro extra for DCC I would be looking sound fitted for that price. I don't see why it needs a different circuit board for the lighting on DCC for example the MM071 comes with the same circuit board for both DC/DCC it's the blanking plate or decoder that works the lights according to what ever system is been used.
  6. Agreed K. This has to be the best show/club layout in the whole of Ireland there's nothing out there that even comes close to it on the show scene. I could spend hours watching it.
  7. No chance of that happening here
  8. [video=youtube;rZrOC6-0hVM]
  9. I don't know Seamus you would need to look it up on You Tube
  10. Apparently the plane was carrying army trucks which broke loose on take off which put the plane into a steep unrecoverable climb and stall http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3GGaHYcrlQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FMUskm2bpE
  11. Richie maybe just a wee bit to much going on there. Less is more as they say.
  12. I put 2 class 55's in one of my A Classes and no problem with pulling power now. Don't forget to put plenty of lead inside.
  13. Kits are a good idea as they cut down the cost and if easily assambeled anyone can build them.
  14. I bought 5 of them and renumbered them all
  15. It won't fit the MIR shell Fran
  16. You've just brought a tear to my eye Brian put me down for 2X83's
  17. :Happy1: I can't wait any photos Brian of the 83 version.
  18. Great idea of a pack of 3 wagons. But will these Irish wagons be running on the proper Irish chassis or will they be look a likes on English Chassis.
  19. So some big changes are ahead for Cork.
  20. Hurry up we want to see more pictures of the layout
  21. Fran there is new management at the helm and there is now a big push on to show a profit in the company. My sources are usually very good. As I said the new livery 071's are just the start of things to come but only time will tell.
  22. You've been drinking again mate
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