I would say that if the 201/071 decoders are a success for MM then Paddy might consider doing a 141/181. The only way to encourage him is to go out and buy the 201/071 decoders and make them a success.
They are also available on this site to well done on the build and here is the link for you. http://www.irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/325-Tara-mines-wagon-pictures
Only one layout for me was Bleach Green. I spent most of Friday night taking lots of videos of this fantastic layout and to be fair it was the main reason I made the trip to Bangor to see it. A big thanks to Colm Flanagan and his crew for taking the time to tell me a lot about the layout and letting me video it up close and personal.
Unfortunately the mother board is gone on my laptop so it will be a week or so before its fixed and I get the footage uploaded for you guys.
It's a dangerous thing getting people on a web site to commit to anything. When MIR did their final runs of the Hunslet and Class 80 a lot of people on the last site committed to taking one when it came to paying for it they ran for the hills.
Thankfully this is only a wish list because that's all it will ever be. A WISH. No UK manufactuer like Bachmann/Hornby are going to go out of their way to facilitate such a small market like the Irish one.
I will do but my laptop is away for repair at the minute and every time I upload photos with the iPhone or iPad they seem to appear on the site either up side down or side ways.
I picked up these 2 beauties at Stilloragn last Sunday spied the 2 boxes and couldn't believe my luck.
A kit built DNGR 0-6-0 and a SCM 800 class kit complete with wheels, motor, gearbox, and decals
I'm sure the site expert on pricing (wrenneire) will be along soon to advise you on what it's worth. Personally I'd say you would be doing very well to get your asking price best of luck with the sale.