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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. Could Garfield have stumbled upon something here that may see the history books rewritten.
  2. Could CIE have copied it from the Dutch
  3. Well said Broithe
  4. Well said Arran. The issue of 21mm is of no use to manufacturers like yourself there is no money in the likes of your goodself catering for the 3-4 people on here that talk about it and one that actually has a layout of it. Its a very small market and when you factor in the fact that 99% of the people on this site model oo 4mm (16.5mm track) thats the way to go. You don't see the likes of PM, Bachmann etc etc producing anything for 21mm and quite frankly I don't see the point, most of the majority of us just want reasonably priced wagons of a good quality to run behind our 141/071/201s and starting to get into all this talk of will you do X Y Z just to please a few people is a waste of time and if manufacturers were to please them it would probably push the cost up for the rest of us. Looking forward to seeing the first photos of your first Irish wagon.
  5. Already been talked about here Pat http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/1620-Frank-Hornby-s-150th-anniversary?highlight=frank+hornby
  6. Did you get any photos K
  7. Fantastic work well done
  8. Big hammer in one hand and Dave on speed dial in the other
  9. I would think its better for customers that the more companies that make and sell Irish wagons the better. It then gives us the customer the choice to look at price/quality etc. At the minute the current market lacks competitive pricing but more importantly quality. I know when Leslie gets this up and running his wagons will be of the same high standard as other products in his range and there for others will have to step up their game if they want a share of the market and this can only be better for us the customer.
  10. Wiggy every time I click on your video it won't let me watch it. It keeps putting up a message Private video
  11. Fantastic work Dave:tumbsup:
  12. Fantastic work Dave:tumbsup:
  13. Check this one out £79 for a 201 http://www.modelfair.com/product/164231/murphy-models-mm0229-class-201-no-229-river-maine
  14. I knew I had this somewhere hope the link works It's Amanda and myself driving home from Kiev Capital of the Ukraine http://s67.photobucket.com/user/anthon007/media/Ukraineroads.mp4.html?sort=3&o=676
  15. Wroclaw, Katowice, Krakow, Rzeszow, I did enjoy the cows belly soup I had in Krakow
  16. I've been there and the Ukraine. Both places are mad but fantastic never really warmed to Poland didn't find it that friendly a place.
  17. Maybe he thought it made him look important
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trKF55sy6EI
  19. I notice she does not carry the new logo under the cab windows. Cracking picture Noel
  20. They seem to think that if they throw more money at it it will solve the problem. The frequency of trains need to be increased and the time it takes to cover the journey needs to be addressed. Ticket prices are also up Newry to Dublin 1st class return is now £52 and a standard day return is now £22. Considering you can get the bus to Dublin £12 return and its a 24 hour service now and every bit as quick as the train
  21. Brilliant photos thanks for sharing.
  22. As far as I know the wholes are steps and I think the 121/201 were the only class of locos to work the Mk3 PP
  23. Welcome to the site John
  24. K here is one of mine in the when I get round to finishing it pile If your cuts are straight and properly bonded using the right glue strength is not an issue as you can see from this test this model when finished will never carry anything like this weight.
  25. Mine are all plastic Yes and Yes. Revell
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