No probs Bud let me know how you get on forgot to say CV3's max I think is 255 and always set CV4 roughly 1 third less than CV3 for more realistic running.
Put a high value in CV3 and try CV2 at about 0 or 1/2/3. I have them fitted to all my 071's and they are quite a good little decoder all the lights work on the 071 bar the cab lights which I don't like anyway
Welcome to the site Brian. Contact Hiddenagenda via PM he makes Models of Tara mines wagons and I can safely say there the best detailed and priced models out there and are second to none.
Some great footage there, bar the circus animals getting of the train in Portadown most of that footage was filmed on the Newry to Warrenpoint line. Also a nice view of Pointspass signal box and level crossing
Here's the pack mate with LEDs but its a bit on the expensive side but the flicker free unit ain't a bad price for people who dont have the skill in wiring up electronics
For those with limited or no electrical skills you can us one of these for your coach lighting
If your a thick maybe best to get someone that knows what they are doing to do it for you. Wire a capacitor up wrong and connect it to DCC (AC) and it will be like a bomb going off. Their not something to mess with if you don't know what your at. A wave rectifier is easy enough to put together and there are videos on YouTube showing you how to do it. If eigyro were maybe to make some units up and sell them it might be the way for you to go. BTW eigyro that lighting and interior paint job really sets the model of well done.