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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. I would love to have a go at something like that only in N
  2. Was that layout N or HO Broithe just hard to tell from the pic
  3. Fantastic layouts Broithe and a very high standard. I really like that Swiss layout:tumbsup:
  4. I hope to get down in a coupe of weeks so will be in touch before then to see what suits you and Bren. As for the airbrush its always at the ready Bud. . I think another day in Kildare is needed.
  5. It's not fair Pat. IE give their modellers the new logo and DRS give their modellers a new loco with a fantastic paint job. Who do we complain to
  6. And me
  7. I don't know Bud it's impossible to tell until we all see a photo I'm just guessing. Who's up for an SAS photo mission to Inchacore
  8. I don't know about ugly the more I look at it the more it grows on me. Any word on Bachmann brining out a model of her yet
  9. Look forward to it mate
  10. Dave are you sure she wasn't sitting in primer/under coat awaiting her final finished coat of paint
  11. Feel free to call again any time Dave if you want another go on the Power Cab to help make your mind up
  12. Don't worry about all that Dave trust me. With out typing a whole big answer give me a bell later and I'll talk you through it
  13. That's the sort of street we would all want to live in. Although you wouldn't want to let the wife park the car I think you'd be missing a quarter panel or two
  14. Dave stay we'll away from the Dynamis/pro box. The money you would spend on the pro box would buy you the NCE power cab and you could sell your Dynamis and claw some money back. Therefor you would have a cracking starter system for little money. If your up my neck of the woods I can program your decoders for you.
  15. You want to get a shock from the Noch now that really makes your hair stand on end
  16. I have used the one pictured above and the Noch Grassmaster. Although the Noch is more expensive if you want the proper results its the way to go as for the cheaper system you will get certain results but it ain't got the power of the more expensive system and won't give you as good of results. Also the cheaper system struggles to cope with longer grass fibres. At the end of the day it's what you can afford and what results you want to achieve.
  17. You will sleep sound tonight bud
  18. Now your making me feel old
  19. Would you have any photos of them working those trains on that stretch of line in that great collection for yours
  20. Great find Fran I really enjoyed that
  21. Noel have NIR locos ever hauled cross boarder freight I don't ever remember seeing any.
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