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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. Looking great K. Nice to see you overcame the problems regarding the painting issues.
  2. Looking great K. I'm not sure if an A Class pulled Mk3's hopefully some of the lads will correct me if I'm wrong.
  3. The translink logo ain't that bad looking and is certainly better that that new IE logo. But I'm talking about the NIR logo which can still be seen on the 111 class
  4. I would like to think that if NIR were changing their logo they would have better taste than that as their locos from the 1970's have basically carried the same logo till the present day only they've modernised it over the years.
  5. The more I look at it the more you say to yourself what muppet in IE OK'ed that one
  6. She'll never be cleaned up. When I weathered that loco for Boskonay the idea behind it was that she is near the end of her days and spends most of her time now sitting on a siding beside Boskonay's Connolly shed as a last resort shunter when there is nothing else available. But there are a couple of the older drivers have a big soft spot for her and she gets her fair share of work around the yard
  7. As from 7am this morning Railtec got the artwork to start work on it.
  8. There's a guy from down under on You Tube (the one that motorises and put LEDs in everything) he actually shows you how to do it and the Tamiya you should use
  9. National Railway Museum? I didn't know they had an interest in the sport
  10. There's money somewhere Seamus how many thousands did they spend paying a child to sit down and design that logo.
  11. Rob they ain't break vans as such but plough vans for distributing ballast from the hoppers
  12. I wonder will they start to change some of the liveries on rolling stock to go with the new logo. I have to agree with you Garfield it is horrible.
  13. I hope to be there to see it.
  14. The laugh is that the foreign drivers driving Irish trucks probably can't read/understand that sign as Hiddenagenda says you pay peanuts you get monkeys.
  15. I just made him an offer of a quid :dancing:
  16. You should ask the driver to give the number a rub with his oily rag in the morning before shunting duties start. Keep up the great work mate loving watching/reading this thread. :tumbsup:I had baseboard Dave up the other day giving me ideas also. :praying:
  17. What make is that van lads
  18. You don't need to change the LEDs just paint over them with translucent yellow paint and this will give you the same effect
  19. :drool::drool::drool:
  20. Some local railway history for my area. Sadly all gone now. Wouldn't it be nice if Newry still had all its 5 local railway stations and goods yards.
  21. How the hell do you do it Broithe you've a photo for every situation
  22. There's going to be some arm twisting done the next time you guys see the master (Hiddenagenda)
  23. Nice find that's a great website
  24. You can't buy that loco in the shops as MM/Bachmann don't make it any more. I bought mine just over a year ago for £70 on eBay. If you keep your eye open you might pick up one £50/£60 mark. Your other option would be to buy a new Bachmann N Class and repaint it into a K/K1 Class the new Bachmann model also come DCC ready/fitted. Have a look at Wrenns history of Irish Models as he has a nice article on the model
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