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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. I need to pick your brains about a K1 sometime soon
  2. I wasn't to sure on the letter spacing to be honest as any of the photos I looked at we're all in UTA liverys but to be fair I'm happy with the way it turned out.
  3. Thanks to Garfield for getting me to buy these 2 little beauties and for the advice on liveries
  4. Another one out of the paint shop today and another big thank you to jhb171achill for the help on the colour and livery of the K Class
  5. Its been a busy time for the RPSI over Christmas down in Ballykay. Donnell and Ellis were no sooner left Tara Junction when they were on their way to collect the newest arrivals the the RPSI fleet. A K class and a J17 bound for Ballykay. Heres some pictures of the new arrivals and 229 heading of for some major repair work
  6. Just finished this little loco. She's just a straight repaint of a Bachmann C Class. Big thanks to jhb171achill for the advice on liveries
  7. Here is MM141 with Railtecs RPSI headboard
  8. A couple of MM mk2 coaches repainted into super train livery
  9. As I said at the start of the thread its not the air brush but the guy holding it. This loco was just finished today with my £25 airbrush using enamels. If you can't paint using a reasonably priced airbrush an expensive one ain't going to make you any better just more out of pocket.
  10. I seen a trailer for that film before but t was call Dark Side of the Moon
  11. Happy Birthday Bro
  12. Railtec do all the RPSI decals. Steve did me a nice set of RPSI name boards for the front of my 141/142 RPSI train
  13. I would suggest not using any power clips and running 2 bus wires around the layout and connecting these to the track via dropper wires. Always solder your wires to the track as this will give you the best contact never use clips as they can become unreliable and give you bad contact. Take a look at Boskonay's layout build as he has good photos and explains how to wire up the layout.
  14. No probs bud will sort somthing tomorrow
  15. I must take some pics later and ping them of to you bud. PM me your email address
  16. I think there is a photo somewhere of a full rake with the intercity logo on them if memory serves me right. I think it may be a 201 hauling them.
  17. I would just like to thank all the members of the forum for their kind words of condolence during the last couple of weeks. The death of my father has been a very sad and traumatic time for my family and myself and I would just like to thank the members for their PM's and emails of support and a big thank you to those members who attended my fathers wake and funeral. I've been absent from the site for the last couple of weeks as getting used to life without my Dad is taking a bit of getting used to and being Christmas has made this task all the more difficult but one thing that has kept me strong is my interest in this hobby and trains and this I have my Dad to thank for. All those days as a young kid standing at the side of railway lines watching trains with my Dad and running trains with him on the floor has given me happy memories to look back on and think of those happy times together. Once again thank you all for your support during this hard time. Anthony
  18. I hope he's got a lead and licence for that dog
  19. The Polar Enterprise
  20. What did the BR vehicles look like before being converted by CIE to GSV's, any pics anybody?
  21. And a Happy Xmas to you and everyone on the site
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