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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. K tried embedding the video for you I think you need to go into your YouTube settings and click the allow the embedding button. Great video BTW.
  2. Brilliant =D=D=D=D=D
  3. Welcome to the site krose. I would stay clear of the attic as in winter you will be frozen and in summer it's like a sauna. I had a 16' x 12' shed built for my layout. Looking forward to seeing your buildings as once you have a printer and time anyone can put their mind to having a go at making buildings.
  4. Don't forget Stephen that Silverfox also do the Hunslet now and Chris Dyer will soon also have the full range of NIR coaches in all liveries from the 1970's enterprise right up to the Gatwicks.
  5. A bit of a last minute thing. But I got to spend a few hours in Kildare Station yesterday. Some great 071, 201 action and a few interesting PW movements. A very big thankyou to ttc0169 for the info and keeping me up to date on movements. enjoy:tumbsup:
  6. =))=))
  7. When I spoke to Paddy at the October Show he told me he was fed up with people asking him to release this livery and that livery. He said that all 7 would be released at the same time so people could just have what ever they wanted. I think 7 over a period of 6 months would be better but its PM's baby
  8. You can buy the Mk3 EGV etched brass sides etc from Weshty
  9. Yes because it's classed as international. If you live in England, believe it or not but Ireland is a foreign country therefor Royal Mail tend to charge for international postage.
  10. No problem mate
  11. Just had another look there numbers and electrical flashes there were a few knocking about with just numbers on them. Railtec catalogue number 5614 and 5613 are the correct decals for the mk3s in supertrain livery http://www.railtec-models.com/catalog.php?type=5&gauge=4mm&xfer_region=2
  12. I have photos K just showing numbers on the ends and nothing else. PM me your email address and I'll forward them on to you
  13. Any links to that Garfield
  14. :drool::drool::drool:
  15. Fantastic . it's just like a bigger version of my workbench
  16. Brilliant
  17. When will these be ready Des and do you have any order details on your site as I need a few of these.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGkgLB34Yso
  19. Fantastic news Weshty regarding the ammonia tanker/42' flat. Would you maybe consider doing a rake of 6 at the discounted rate as they always seemed to run regularly in rakes of 6. Or even a set of 6 tanks and 2 barrier wagons. Once again well done looking forward to this release
  20. When someone askes a question about a manufactuer/shop/business etc etc I would rather hear the truth about their products/service or the way they treat their customers. I feel it's very important for fellow modellers to know these things before they spend their hard earned money. I would be more upset if someone didn't tell me the truth about a product etc etc and I bought it to find out it wasn't up to a high standard or badly manfactured or if a shop say was to treat me badly regarding customer care. We are lucky that most of the people we deal with have a high standard and those who don't meet the grade people should not be afraid to voice their opinions and should be encouraged to do so and let the rest of their fellow modellers know.
  21. Thanks for that Wanderer that would explain the dirt of the loco as it wasn't a staged shoot. I hope you were handsomely paid for your photo by IE. Keep them coming.
  22. I find it hard and strange to understand why you want to know about the quality/running etc etc and don't want to here any bad things (if there are are any). Surely you would want to know all the facts both good and bad before making a purchase from any business/manufacture. As I said strange How do you expect to get an honest opinion if you don't want to here all the facts about any product.
  23. That's one plane I'd love to fly in
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