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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. Right across the road from Mercedes and BMW you will be drooling every time you look out the window. Good luck with the move
  2. Ah that's great Seamus :x:x
  3. Seamus I have made all my customers aware of the short comings regarding the kit and they have all instructed me to continue with the builds. As I've stated this is a discussion on the model and its faults and nothing else. Sorry if you have taken it up the wrong way.
  4. @ Ger711 I've looked to see if there are any etch grills out there that could do the job but no luck yet
  5. I have 5 of them sitting on the workbench Seamus and they are all the same. Any other members that I've spoke to have said their's are the same also. As for slating the kit we are discussing the kit which we are entitled to do as with any model after all this is a model train forum is it not. Are you saying if something is bad we are not allowed to talk about it and sweep it under the carpet and as a group we are only allowed to talk about the good things. If this was a Bachmann/Hornby model etc etc there would be nothing said about as you say slating it but because its a local supplier you seem to think nothing should be said about the bad quality of the model.
  6. Over 2 days spent on the kit to get it to that stage Stephen and still a lot more hours to spend on it but you can really see in that photo how bad the side of the moulding really is. If the kit was a 30euro model I wouldn't have a problem with it as you get what you pay for but I just can't justify the high price tag on this kit as the quality just ain't there to back up the high price.
  7. Fantastic job and that razor saw wow have to get me one of those
  8. Great photos there Scahalane thanks for posting them up
  9. I will have to try some out Bud. You have definitely got a great finish on the weed sprayer
  10. Regarding the new release of the SSM B101 Sulzer and my feelings on the kit. So here are some photos to show you guys what I think about it. Here you can see the grills on the side. The mouldings are very bad compared to the likes of a Silver fox kit Cab roof profile is all wrong and windows are badly moulded Right hand side of the roof is higher than the left Rain strip is crooked and is different on all 4 sides of cabs Roof detail is crooked and very badly shaped there is also a sever lack of detail on the moulding and some panels are not square and are narrower on one end In the black is an old Q Kits B101 Sulzer at over 20 years old just to show you the difference in the roofs.I've also highlighted the exhaust on the Q kits which is not on the SSM kit New rain strips fitted but as you can see the grills are really starting to show how bad the moulding is. There is still a lot more work to do on getting the cab and roof profile right.
  11. White roof Seamus. Me thinks weathering stick Seamus.
  12. Looking great Noel what do you think of Humbrols new range of weathering powders
  13. Some good info there
  14. It will be great to follow the build of an N gauge layout
  15. Ah now Fran. Don't be like that give Paddy a vote a fellow irish man
  16. Hattons have them already listed on their website
  17. You need to stop hitting the reply button twice as you are constantly double posting
  18. Regardless of how good the 85 is you should vote for your own country man
  19. Just did a little bit of digging on the net if you Google translink yourself Seamus you can have a good read. One fact I didn't realise is Translink only has 220 miles of track (small or what) here's some reading to get you started they are expected to make a loss over the next 3 years http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-17818243
  20. I have some Mk3 EGV brass sides that I want to use. Any recommendations on the best donor coach to use thats easy to work with (Lima/Hornby/Bachmann/Jouef/other?) Ty
  21. Stephen put the retaining wall in with loads of trees and shrubs above it and drooping over the top and down the front of it, should look great and maybe even a wall mounted signal
  22. Time I think for IE to be sold off and privatised and the nutters in charge that are throwing money away to be put on the dole so they would get to learn how to budget the hard way.
  23. :doh::doh: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-21143199
  24. Those wooden coaches are fantastic great find Garfield
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