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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. The old line from Goraghwood to Newry is still owned by NIR and both new roads that cross the old line have bridges over it so that if NIR ever decide to run trains into the town again they can do so with out much hassel
  2. I have both Seamus and they are a brilliant read well worth getting a copy if you get the chance
  3. Thats a great little scene in that picture Patrick more pictures please
  4. Welcome to the site Paul keep them pictures coming
  5. I like to see you pushing the boundaries and keep you on your toes mate
  6. Your a bad influence on me Seamus
  7. One part of me says that sounds awful but then the other side says I wouldn't mind trying that I think it's the brown sauce putting me of
  8. Bermuda Triangle mate
  9. €160 and probably one of the best systems on the market and as your layout grows so can your system the Bachmann Dynamis is plagued with relyability problems http://www.dccsupplies.com/shop/product_info.php?cPath=24_111&products_id=487
  10. I've ordered one from Hattons so will give you a call and let you know how I get on. BTW check out RM web to see if anyone has put up any info regarding reviewing/programming of the new decoder.
  11. I forgot to say Dave don't forget to get one of these as they are very handy http://www.dccsupplies.com/shop/product_info.php?products_id=1316
  12. Dave do you get a list of CV's with the decoders so you know what's what
  13. Yes but you can't read CV's with the Dynamis
  14. Were the first railways in Ireland not built by the British government of the time remembering that Dublin was the 2nd city of the British Empire after London back then.
  15. Brake fluid does no harm to the model probably more chemicals in your spray
  16. There are still bits of her still in the ditch beside the track. Maybe I'll take my angle grinder up some day cut it up and sell souvenirs=))
  17. Are the new Bachmann decoders on the market yet Fran
  18. Originally Posted by heirflick fran, just out of interest, if you wanted to doublehead, why not remove the motor from one loco? Double heading on models in some cases is just like the real thing as you need extra power to pull a train up an incline. Imagine the yank modellers taken the motor out of their locos to pull there long trains using just one loco. There wouldn't be enough power.
  19. About time Fran they've fallen behind big time in this sector
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