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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. [video=youtube;-unVO99QGA0]
  2. Here it is at 40sec
  3. Just as a matter of interest how many guys on the site have one of Gareth's Sulzers Anthony 1 livery Black white with yellow face
  4. Can't wait to see the pictures
  5. :puke::puke: Your not the only one Garfield feeling dizzy after watching that :puke::puke:
  6. I find nothing as nice as taking my Sulzer out of the glass case and running her on the layout what a model. I don't think Hiddenagenda gets enough phrase for that fabulous model=D=D=D=D=D=D
  7. I have 2 of them running on Proto 2000 chassis sweet little things
  8. I'd go for the MIR one as MM 121 is a long way of if ever at all according to the man himself
  9. Some great food for thought there. Brilliant information please keep it coming
  10. Looking great K can't wait to see it in situ on the layout
  11. So much for their PR image you think they would have washed the loco before taking the picture. Wait till Stobart arrives to give IE a lesson in PR
  12. You should be in your bed at 10 so you can deliver the post bright and early tomorrow
  13. That's no good they have cloths on you want to see my pic
  14. I bet that went down well in work=)) Now your not to be using that pic as an example for your customers Fran and if you do I want my commission
  15. I wonder could I squeeze 6 of them onto my workbench
  16. Looking forward to seeing your progress it will be great to see someone on the forum building an American N Gauge layout.
  17. Happy Birthday David
  18. =))=))
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