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Flying Scotsman 4472

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Everything posted by Flying Scotsman 4472

  1. Fantastic Fran are they yours, Brens or both. Great video:tumbsup:
  2. Correct
  3. Wait till you run your class 67 Fran they are a disaster I took them of mine and threw them in the bin
  4. Don't you know it is
  5. Yes John black or grey would be nicer
  6. Very nice Stephen you really are a dark horse
  7. Well said another little mistake was on the EGV there was no door hinges on one side of the coach. But to be fair after making a few modifications I'm just glad to have them on my layout but not everyone is pleased or happy by them. As Paddy says you cant please everyone.
  8. That don't sound to nice
  9. That looks superb it great to see you guys starting to post up photos of your rolling stock and layouts instead of just talking about them. Keep up the good work and I look forward to seeing more pics
  10. Ok see you there:-bd
  11. Great video the 071 looks brill hauling the timber wagons
  12. No probs Bud what time you going
  13. Maybe Eamonn will be able to find out of Gerry about remapping the Lenz
  14. Watch out for low flying planes
  15. A great place to go on holidays always enjoyed any time I spent there
  16. Stay of the vodka or God knows what way you'd wire up the rest of them. Next doors TV would be doing all sorts of funny things.
  17. Ok I will try and explain this as best I can if I'm wrong I stand corrected and I will have learnt something new today As I said before the Lenz is a 5 function decoder 1st function is F0 side lights 2nd is F1 red tail lights on and off 3rd is F2 head lights these are directional 4th is F3 shunting speed 5th is F5 cab light #1 end The reason f5 works the cab light is because that is probably the factory default. You could go into the CV settings and remap F5 to button 4. To get the cab light working on the other side I would assume you would need a six function decoder. The cheapest 21 pin 6 function is the TCS DECODER
  18. Me thinks its time for you to have a beer and sit back and enjoy
  19. So what your saying is you spent the whole day lying on your back
  20. All good things come to those who wait
  21. To be fair Seamus the RPSI steamers ain't as shiny and new as their UK counter parts. Tornado and Duchess of Sutherland come to mind. From a distance the RPSI steamers look clean its not until you get up close that you see the dirt paint chips rust etc on them. As i said everything has some amount of dirt and paint chips etc on it. I don't know if your going to Cultra tomorrow but if you are take a look at Dunluce Castle sitting there it may be clean but take a really close look at her she has rust and paint chips even those loco sitting in the museum ain't perfect. And before any RPSI heads start on me I ain't knocking them in any way were talking dirty trains here.
  22. Seamus did you not have a video on the old site of her running
  23. No train is ever clean unless its just out of the paint shop. As for the RPSI stock you ain't looking closely enough. B141 looks clean in photos but if you were standing beside her you would see dirt some where.
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