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Everything posted by spudfan

  1. RB Models in Clonmel have them too. At €225 they are slightly cheaper than any where else. I have bought previous Murphy Models from them in the past. Sadly I will be giving this batch a miss as they are outside my budget. Nice locos though! Locomotives Archives - RB Models
  2. When I arrived here many moons ago, The Londonderry and Lough Swilly Railway was still in existence, albeit with buses rather than trains. The buses used to be parked up on open ground and were easily accessed. The long rear bench seats in the buses were very popular with younger people who wanted to get better acquainted or perhaps put some time into practical study for an up coming biology exam. Or so I've been told.....
  3. A nice surprise by your parents. I decided to try that with the wife but it did not fly. Probably the "18th" birthday angle was a wrong way to go.....
  4. I do not think Paddy Murphy would have the resources to follow this up. It is not right what is happening but bigger companies have tried to stamp out similar actions and have failed.
  5. I checked out the EBAY link to these locos and I got a message from EBAY saying the seller had dropped the price for 48 hours to £150. Must not be shifting well. The listing still has the "or best offer" tag.
  6. Deleted
  7. I had this problem on a Bachmann class 66. One of the drive shafts kept coming loose at one end. I contacted Bachmann who were excellent. This is the reply and it should be relevant to your problem. "As the driveshaft is continuing to pop out it is possible that one of the drivecups has become damaged causing the shaft to not be held in place. It is also possible that the drivecup on the worm gear has been pushed on too far which is causing the driveshaft to fall out. It is also worth checking that the driveshaft is being correctly installed in the motor drivecup and is the correct way round (both ends are different), the end with the squarer lugs should fit into the motor drivecup and may not fit in the worm gear. By first removing the bogie from the model, and then removing the worm gear assembly from the bogie tower, The bogie is secured by a single screw which can be accessed by removing the body, the wires from the pickups will also need to be removed from the PCB, these are located under two of the PCB tabs. You may need to do a small amount of threading/untangling to get the wires out so that the bogie can be removed. Once the bogie is out, the worm gear can be removed. This is secured by a cover which is clipped onto the bogie tower and may require the removal of the bogie tower top, held with two screws, to remove. Once the worm gear has been removed it may be possible to ease the drivecup further out on the shaft, a gear puller or similar would help with this. Care would need to be taken to avoid damaging either the drivecup or the worm gear when doing this, and also to not move it too far as this could cause further problems. It the drivecup is pulled too far it could leave not enough space for the driveshaft which could then cause the drive to lock or snap the driveshaft. It could also catch on the chassis causing unwanted noise. With the bogie removed you should also be able to check to see if the drivecup is damaged causing the driveshaft to fall out. The motor drivecups are a little harder to see, but with the bogie removed you may be able to detect any damage." Be careful using glue. The driveshaft has to have play to move in the cups at both ends to allow the loco to negeotiate curves. If you put glue on it this will not be possible.
  8. This is not just a few locomotives. Packaging has to be ordered in to co ordinate with the production of the models. Usually with dodgy models it is the packaging that is the give away, just not up to the same standard. You can have as many eyes on the shop floor as you want but they will not have access to all parts of the factory. They can be told that the part over there is out of bounds as another manufacturer of model trains is using that and they do not want the opposition to see what is going on. Serial numbers or quality stickers put on over here are not the answer. Serial numbers can be made up and quality control stickers can be copied once seen. These models could be produced without using the Murphy Model brand by simply making a few miniscule changes to the model. A milimeter off here or there will change it so that it is not the exact same as Murphy Models. Any model produced by more than one manufacturer will have slight differences and there will be internet pages discussing which is the more accurate model. As far as I can see the issue here is these models being sold under the Murphy Models brand name but are not being recognised by Murphy Models as they have not passed through their hands. They have gone directly from A to C bypassing B. Everything about these models including the packaging could be top notch, it is just that they are out side of the official chain. If you got one you would have no way of knowing. Like I said earlier if they changed the name and made a few miniscule changes to the models themselves they would be seen as an alternative to the Murphy Models brand. Mr Murphy put a lot of time and effort including finances into his brand and products and wants to protect them and not see someone else making a profit from his efforts. He got what was contracted for, each one sold out but these are outside his remit. A lot of people buying these probably will not be aware of the lack of official provenence of these models and will take them at face value. No manufacturer can guarantee that this will not happen to them. Look at the carparts industry. They are much bigger players than toy train manufacturers yet the market place is rife with non genuine parts coming in genuine boxes. I sympatise with Paddy Murphy but I do not think he will be able to stamp this out.
  9. Rails of sheffield have RPSI 'OO' GAUGE CRV001 1505 STANDARD/1508 SNACK/1532 STANDARD CRAVENS COACHES £149.50 or Best Offer RPSI 'OO' GAUGE CRV001 1505 STANDARD/1508 SNACK/1532 STANDARD CRAVENS COACHES | eBay Covered by their 20% off voucher but this ends midnight tonight.
  10. Don't do Facebook, or social media. I have an e-mail and I go on line to talk about toy trains...
  11. Don't even know where it is. Also I have never bought anything off AMAZON.
  12. Am I the only one here who does not own or who has never owned a mobile phone?
  13. From BBC news. Seems the fifth largest smartphone maker is to launch it's own electric car in a few weeks.
  14. Them seem well organised over there...
  15. Some issues reported. The mould, scratch issues could happen to any car in transit but the warping under the weight of roof racks seems to be a design flaw. BYD’s Quality Problems Hit International Markets: Report (msn.com)
  16. Depends on how close you are to the performing artist...
  17. The never ending symphony...
  18. Well I am sorry to say, that as of last night, the planet is doomed
  19. I have been known to play the "GREEN" card the odd time to get out of a sticky situation. Take for instance when the Mrs starts flashing those amorous glances and dropping unsubtle hints in the "nookie" line. How does the save the planet thing work here you ask? Well I argue about all of those calories that would be used and have to be replenished. "Think of all of those methane emitting farting cattle to be turned into burgers to help me get my strength back. All of that processing and transportation. Hard as it is (no pun intended) but we should think of the planet."
  20. Two articles from CLAYTON and their industrial shunters. Tata Steel Port Talbot rail operations article here 262Talbot.indd (claytonequipment.co.uk) Sellafield rail operations here RAIL999-Sellafield.pdf (claytonequipment.co.uk) Both would make great working layouts for shunting. Both have servicing/repair facilities on site.
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  21. Do not forget to check your house insurance. Remember that many of these apartments had fire safety issues. Then there was the water ingress thing. I do not know if wiring up the buildings to possibly go up in smoke and plumbing in water to simulate water leaks would be worth it.
  22. Would make me think that God actually exists
  23. Rails of Sheffield have Heljan class 33 locos from £104.95 and Dapol class 73 locos for £89.95. There is also a Hornby large logo class 56 for £129.95. A very nice Hornby Sentinel for £59.95. All new,
  24. "Well dear, it is like this. I somehow got involved in a cult, and it goes under the moniker of IRM. It sounds innocuous enough, having as it's cover, a forum dedicated to discussions on model trains. Sadly I found out too late that this is a front for a more nefarious organisation. The upshot being, if I don't subscribe to a certain number of models per year, to raise funds to support the cause, I might suddenly disappear. You and the kids would never see me again. I am actually doing this to keep the family together."
  25. Try the "diminished responsability" angle or failing that there is always this to fall back on "Well you did sign up to the - For better or for worse- clause".
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