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Everything posted by spudfan

  1. The way things are going in this country these will have to be rebranded as "Alternative Green Energy storage unit", otherwise they will be banned!
  2. Was at a sportsday/funday today. My daughter was taking part as the unit she attends was taking part. There were other units for people with special needs there. Anyway it was a nice day, the grass was dry, the rules of the various competitions were not that strictly enforced and none of the participants had to undergo a blood tests to see if they had partaken of illegal substances to enhance performance. The welly throwing competition was interesting especially as the aim and trajectory of the wellies seemed to be an unknown quantity, interesting for the spectators. One of the participants came over to me and the Mrs. I thought he was going to apologies for almost decapitating me with a wellington boot during the welly throwing contest. Instead he promptly told me and the wife that he was my daughter's boyfriend. I immediately told him that there was a form to be completed for that. Never a dull moment.
  3. Might sound like heresy but I have no particular interest in it! I watched the football instead. Some years some spectators opened a gate to a field and parked their cars in it. Others saw them and did the same. All without permission from the farmer. The farmer got his digger and dug a trench across the gateway. When the spectators returned they could not get the cars out until every one in the field paid the farmer for parking in his field. Another farmer had a similar issue. He locked the gate after he went in with a tractor and slurry spreader, ready primed for action. When the spectators returned he would not unlock the gate until he was paid for the use of his field. Some of the car owners got mouthy but the farmer said he would let loose with the slurry spreader over the cars if not paid. There was no slurry in it but water. However this would have had a nice slurry odour from the spreader.. They paid up.
  4. Service area just up the road. Started off dry but very wet from early afternoon. There is one crash, up on line, before the rain.
  5. The Donegal Rally landed this morning. It's been a noisy day!
  6. When washing the car, the space around the lug nuts on the wheels can be hard to access. I find a soft 2 inch paint brush perfect for cleaning my nuts. If you are busy you can always ask your Mrs if she would mind giving your nuts a little tender loving care with a soft two inch brush
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      • Funny
  7. Got this from DERAILS. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Shop Soiled Boxes Sale! Welcome to our shop soiled boxes sale! Here's you'll find a range of locos of which we have a small selection of models with slightly damaged boxes - nothing too serious, just a small dent or scratch here and there - but we're offering a signifcant discount on them! All of the locos themselves are in pristine, brand new condition, it is only the boxes that are damaged. The prices you see on the product pages are the pre-sale, pristine box prices. The discount is automatically applied if you select one of the discounted locos, the shop-soiled box prices are listed here: - 32-852A Bachmann 9F Early BR (W): £149 - 32-859A Bachmann 9F Late BR: £139 - 32-929 Bachmann Class 150 Provincial: £209 - 8643 Heljan Class 86: £159 - R3681 Hornby 'City of Edinburgh': £149 - R3832 Hornby A2/2 'Edward Thompson': SHOP SOILED BOX MODELS SOLD OUT @ 19:11 - R3843 Hornby Rebuilt W1 LNER Blue: £159 - R30010 Hornby Sentinel Hitachi: £64 - R30025 Hornby Class 60 GBFR: £139 - E83024 EFE Rail Arriva Pacer: £169 When we have sold the shop soiled boxed locos that option will disappear from the item, so be quick, there's only very few available....
  8. Initiative
  9. Tractor run yesterday. Funs raised go to charities. Over 300 tractors were involved yesterday.
  10. Our own! The Londonderry and Loughswilly station at Carndonagh. Carndonagh Railway Station, CHURCHLAND QUARTERS, Carndonagh, DONEGAL - Buildings of Ireland Carndonagh railway station - Wikipedia
  11. Here an email I got from ELLIS TRAINS. It gives a little insight into decisions that have to be made in whether to proceed with planned releases or not. Sharks, Seacows and Sealions In the shifting sands and moving staircases of the model railway business, there sometimes comes a point where difficult questions must be asked – and tough choices made – to forge the best path forward. We announced our Shark, Sealion and Seacow projects in August 2022, promising incredible levels of detail to capture some of the railway’s most iconic freight vehicles. But after much collective soul-searching, we’ve decided not to progress with these models at the current time. I know this will be disappointing to those of you with pre-orders, and because honest communication sits at the core of our values, I’d like to explain why we’ve made this decision. A changing landscape The O gauge market has blossomed over the last decade, enjoying an influx of high-quality ready-to-run models from several manufacturers – the stuff of dreams to larger-scale modellers hitherto starved of choice. But that market has matured; space constraints will always impose a ceiling on the growth of O gauge, and over-supply of freight vehicles in particular has seen prices slashed and margins tightened. The tooling costs of such highly-detailed models as our Sharks, Sealions and Seacows are equivalent to those of a full-size carriage or even a small engine. They would have been the ultimate wagons – but at the end of the day, they would still have been wagons. And perceptions dictate that there’s only so much that modellers are willing to pay for a wagon, however excellent a product it may be. Pre-orders for these products simply didn’t reflect the level of sales required for them to be viable. Could we have pressed ahead anyway, relying on the finished products to speak for themselves and hoping that orders would come flooding in after their release? Certainly – but it would have been deeply irresponsible to attempt to turn against the tide in this way. The investment required for such a gamble would jeopardise the strong footing of our business and the fantastic team we’ve built here in Skipton. This in turn would affect other projects that we’re developing and that I know will delight modellers from across the spectrum – we serve you best by keeping our feet firmly on the ground and making sensible business decisions. You may have noted my reference to “at the current time” regarding the curtailment of this project. Is there a scenario where it could be reactivated? Well, possibly. In a less saturated market – with more price stability and greater numbers of O gauge modellers focusing on the later years of the 20th century – our Sharks, Seacows and Sealions may rise again. We’ll certainly not be throwing away the research and design work completed to date. But time will tell. After the rain… Now that the bad news is out of the way, it’s only fair that we take a ‘bigger picture’ look at the current state of play – in short, let’s accentuate the positive! The Shark, Seacow and Sealion projects were still in a very early stage of development. In part due to delays in our incredibly successful Black 5s, no engineering prototypes had been produced and no money taken from customers – we never ask for deposits on pre-orders. The significant research and development – including refinements in our design process and breakthroughs in the level of detail we’re able to bring you – will be redirected towards forthcoming models. It's no secret that we have some very exciting projects in the pipeline, in both 4mm and 7mm scales. The cancellation of the Sharks, Seacows and Sealions will enable some of these to be brought forward, and we’ll be bringing you more news in the coming months. Our current (already-announced) projects – O gauge Pullmans and OO gauge Quad-Arts and ‘Austerities’ – are making healthy progress; look out for updates on these very soon. And of course, the pre-owned element of our business, from whence it all started, goes from strength to strength. We continue to acquire incredible collections featuring models of all scales; a visit to our websites or our showroom will reveal a daily smorgasbord of modelling goodness, with something for everyone. As always, we’re keen to hear from you with any questions, concerns or feedback – whether regarding the Sharks/Seacows/Sealions or any of our other activities. To this end, I’ll be hosting a question-and-and answer session (on YouTube?) in a couple of weeks, and we’d love to hear your thoughts and queries. Give us a call (01756 7014510) or drop us a line (ellis@ellisclarktrains.com), and we’ll do our best to come up with the answers.
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  12. One of the party that went over would have a fairly substantial appetite so I can imagine him legging it to somewhere else after that for a top up!
  13. RB Models in Tipperary. €220 with free postage. Locomotives Archives - RB Models
  14. The local RNLI were asked over to Buckingham Palace in recognition of their fund raising efforts over the last 30 years. The raft races organised are great fun. Anyway this was what was on the menu at the Big House for those in attendance.
  15. Ah well, it's the thought that counts...
  16. Ellis Clark Trains have listed some Irish stock. New arrivals - Clark Railworks
  17. Last night,in the back garden. I do not believe the fancy scientific explanation for the AURORA thing. I think it is just those Eskimoes over the horizon having a party.
  18. Bit of a write up here First battery-electric train for Dublin’s DART+ network unveiled | Metro Report International | Railway Gazette International
  19. This is the survey options Which would be your preferred courier of choice? * UPS DHL DPD FedEx Other Are their any couriers you feel we should avoid using? * UPS DHL DPD Fed Ex No Opinion Other If you have had a model from us before, which courier did it arrive with? * UPS DHL DPD FedEx Other Can't Remember Never Ordered Online Other .......................................................................................... Then there is a box for any comments you might have.
  20. I got an email from ELLIS CLARK trains. This is it. It is an interesting exercise. " Courier Poll We want to provide the best service we possibly can here at ECT, and a massive part of that service is how your models get to you. We want to know which courier you think we should be using! (Please note we can only use royal mail for smaller items so it will be excluded from the majority of these questions)
  21. Bad idea, she might think you are hinting at threesome territory....
  22. Emphasise the "they worked in pairs" angle. Say "they worked in pairs" just like us....
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