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Everything posted by tonybonneyba

  1. Thank you!
  2. Right, here's the plan for the next few months: Get the MMI connection on the 201 (8208) & at the correct size (currently slightly too big) Get the MKIV test train sorted Skip the DD Build a locomotive at HOm scale (equivalent to 3ft) based on the IOM "class 550", No.21 AKA, Isle of Man no.21 Then once these are done, I should able start into the layout Which me luck
  3. Speak of NG.... I will use Tilling when it comes to the dual then Peco when it's the actual line its self (unless Peco make dual too). I know there's a height difference between Tilling & Peco, but I think I've came up with a solution, which is filling a very fine ramp in the Peco track since it's the highest to the correct height to the tilling track, then polish it silty.
  4. Okay, thanks all JHB, I'll take a look now, thanks
  5. On the new layout that I will be building a narrow Guage bit & hope to have part of it integrated in the main line (to allow the locos to go to the locomotives shed). The 00 gauge track will act as 5ft 3 inches, so what Guage of track will act as 3ft? HOm? 00-9? Where can I get such track? Help would be much appreciated, anything that does will will be shown in " Anthony's Workshop ". Thanks, Tony.
  6. I wonder if Bachmann will ever do Irish stuff again? It'll be simple for them to do 22ks (sorry fo swearing! ), c4ks & c3ks as they can do this from the 170 shell with modifications here & there. They can also use the 150 shell for the 450 class & 2600 class (again, with modifications) & there is absolutely no excuse for IÉ & NIR mk1's & mk2's not being on the market as its just as simple as spraying them in factory.
  7. Or spend a little less & respray a class 150 & little modifications here & there.... Not that I've done... Yet!
  8. Did the ACE / 2600 class have the exhaust attached to the rear beside the gangway like the BR 105 or underfloor?
  9. That's the diagrams done, (with one or two spelling mistakes) , now to back to the MMI connections & sheds/station building.... Any tips for the station build would be much appreciated.
  10. Interesting head / tail light.... If I understand of what you are saying, then yes by modern day terms of course. The station will be the terminus for some enterprise services, NIR services and some IÉ services, it'll also be the main station for DCDR Mainline / GNDR (Great Northern Down Railway). You could be be right, you could be wrong, I haven't as of yet decided the back story of the station....
  11. I want to base Holyfast station building off Douglas railway station building in IOM (I'll upload photos tomorrow), as I visited thus station in August past & its a wonderful station, a must visit. Any tips?
  12. The Hornby Select is not in a he NMRA (<-?) standards, but the Hornby Elite & eLink are in the NMRA standards as Hornby didn't want cash out loads of cash on the select as its their DCC starter controller for beginners in DCC & they had just cashed out bringing the elite & eLink up to standards by sending out updates. Thankfully, most new starter sets with DCC now comes with eLink, which is in NMRA standards.
  13. Thank you! Yeah.... My English skills/spellings are not the greatest....
  14. Somethings going on in the 'digital workshop' for the future layout ..... The depot sign is for the custom homemade built depot I'll be building based on various depots, mainly Adelaide Depot in Belfast. It'll be used to hold a threE car CAF in one road & two co-co locomotives in the other road. It'll be fitted with working jacks to lift the three car CAF (or locomotive if in the correct road). Map key: O = destination (siding / station platform / shed) o = signal • = points AT = automatic signal (see everard junctions video on signals) --P** = point number MANED = manual changing signal (user controlled) STOP = Buffers
  15. Note to self.....spray the MMI Socket next time & don't hand paint...
  16. Thank you!
  17. MMI socket painted, now just drying
  18. Making a MMI connector for one of my stock
  19. Will send you a pm later
  20. Would anyone point me in the right direction of getting a 00 gauge NIR 80 Class thumper please?
  21. Digging myself a bigger whole.... Ah, yes, sorry, the preview of 69 was a bit bright, but that's always the case when it comes to model pints..... http://www.humbrol.com/uk-en/69-yellow-gloss-150ml-acrylic-spray-paint.html
  22. I think I found it http://www.humbrol.com/uk-en/24-trainer-yellow-matt-150ml-acrylic-spray-paint.html Now just the decals.....
  23. Hehe, I'll go look about then later on, thanks
  24. Ah, no, I'm wrong, it has two red marker lights per end Sorry!
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