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Everything posted by Niles

  1. Probably had various Thomas and Brio sets when I was small but my first 'proper' trainset was the Hornby "Diesel Breakdown" set... It was the Christmas of 1997 which as some may recall was during a big storm... we had no power for days so I couldn't use it. Quite a bit of play value in it to be fair, later discovered the 06 'never ran like that' but at that age I couldn't care...
  2. One more, 1144 (the only GSR-built 1st) survives sans running gear at Dromod. Although there's a debate that none of these should really be called Bredins but it's too early in the morning for that... Re: AM13, I believe she survived as an RPSI spares coach into the early 2000s, at Heuston I think.
  3. One point on the BR generator vans, over time they got so weather-worn and battered that I wouldn't worry if it doesn't perfectly match the Cravens. Some of them ended up quite patchwork when you looked close.
  4. If you're not paying for the product, you're the product, et al...
  5. The plated up windows were certainly removed when they reverted to standards (I remember stripping 1520 for parts for the RPSI set). My understanding is that 1518/20 didn't have lockups at the counter unlike 1508/9 and the mk2a ones, open to correction though.
  6. In a way, the Talylln in Wales is probably an oddball for having 'normal' standard gauge-type buffers and drawgear.
  7. B1 Sharon
  8. Deirdre rings a bell now... Though what the GSR would have done with 3 additional route-restricted 4-6-0s is another thing altogether...
  9. If you're creative, there was a list of names for proposed additional 800s never built... Aoife off the top of my head (my sister's name so it stuck in my memory more than the others). I think @jhb171achill might have info on them. Re: 'Cultra' edition 800, I believe it's CIÉ dark green with GS lettering, based on what supplies Inchicore had when sending her north.
  10. Niles

    NEW 00 WORKS J15

    A real life kitbash.
  11. While I won't wager money on it, a model O&K with accurate valve gear and motion would be a thing of beauty.
  12. Curious that Waterford Manor and Tramore weren't of matching length, given I assume they were procured at the same time for the same locos?
  13. It's obviously the measuring tape.
  14. How was the loco turned in Belfast (Or did it work up with a 141/181 and split?).
  15. I believe this continued to happen on occasion at Rosslare even into the early 2000s if one turned up on the Limerick/Waterford-Rosslare. The ITG journal records a few occasions.
  16. Did the Waterford & Tramore have some perchance? Can't find my copy of Coakham's book, but it had a list of its stock...
  17. The CB&SCR had a four wheeler, No.7, ex DN&GR. Later became a Signal dept van in GSR days.
  18. now that does whet the appetite for the return of 7T.
  19. Indeed, it's probably worth bearing in mind that even for GB-outline 6 wheel stock there wasn't a sufficient market to make specific tooling for each individual railway, as opposed to this generic type, much as I'd like some chunky MGWR 6 wheelers.
  20. The real 850 was built using parts for an unbuilt Woolwich mogul, I wonder is there a kitbash to be had there...
  21. Based on this lovely shot by Roger Joanes, 1077 appears to be the one of the 1964 tour (possibly one of the most well-travelled Irish carriages as such, widespread as they were I doubt many GSWR vehicles would have got to places like Ardee). Now you've given me an idea for a little headboard to go on my Woolwiches... if I only I knew the person who has the design for it though.
  22. I was just going for some early green ones but I may have fell on the keyboard and accidently ordered the B&T one as well. I quite like those photos of it against a rake of bogies on the likes of the Grand Steam tour, I'm a sucker for 'wrong' liveries in a rake.
  23. True, but it's still got a strong bout of anxiety from it.
  24. Should be there at the end of each description, presuming '453' etc is the running number anyway.
  25. Well I began today with a healthy debit card and now it's... less healthy. As for rescuing the real thing, DCDR have a six wheeler under restoration https://www.downrail.co.uk/rolling-stock/gswr-69/ and more on site. (seriously if anyone would like to help in some shape with these I can point you to the right people...)
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