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Everything posted by Niles

  1. Ssshh...we can't spoil the Greenway Galavanter tour destination.
  2. I suspected it would get that reaction. Everything happens in time but it's not an immediate plan. (Now I know how @Warbonnet and co feel ).
  3. The latest Táilte Tours blog article celebrates the first 20 years of the 29000 class railcars. Maybe one day we'll see them work one of our railtours... https://www.tailtetours.com/post/celebrating-20-years-of-the-29000-class-irish-railcars
  4. nothing wasteful about those photos!
  5. Had it back in the day, I can't actually remember if York Road was on it... if I recall the rather flat-fronted 121 was the same freeware model that predated the game. I'll admit I tended to get bored on the longer runs and tended to stick to DART and 80 class suburban scenarios. (Funny, when I first got MSTS itself (21 years ago ) I couldn't actually play it for a longtime as the family computer wasn't powerful enough.
  6. And just as many born since...
  7. There's a preserved GNR Dundalk-built six wheeler awaiting restoration at Downpatrick, albeit on a MGWR underframe but should give you an idea: https://www.downrail.co.uk/rolling-stock/unidentified-gnr-six-wheeled-carriage/
  8. Having grown up watching 071s & mk2s in Gorey it would have been normal for the rear carriages to trail over the points and off the platform, so wouldn't be too worried about making them fit 5...
  9. I've never seen a layout that looks so like a painting, wow.
  10. lovely stuff... rather smart livery.
  11. Robert Phibbs, author of the new book “ The Adventures of a Fighting Railway: The Belfast Central Railway Company (1864 - 1885)” is giving us a Zoom talk on Tuesday, May 30th, 2023 08:00 PM. All are welcome on the night. Log in details are as follows (no need to register in advance). Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3040263673 Meeting ID: 304 026 3673
  12. If anyone's looking for some badges, Martin Hoey will be there representing Táilte. The 2600 and signal badges continue to be popular, these were a lower production run than normal so don't delay... https://www.tailtetours.com/shop
  13. Excellent idea. You could probably justify a Tara Mines flow too had it survived into the modern day.
  14. . A selection of some of the wares my co-conspirator David will have for sale tomorrow.
  15. I wish... but we're not ruling out such a possibility of that some day. (I hear the lads involved with restoring a certain RH are very handsome ).
  16. Táilte Tours is heading up to Down! We've organised a bus trip from Dublin (Connolly Luas stop) to the Downpatrick & County Down Railway on Saturday 5th August. Our ticket includes both the bus transfer and travel on DCDR steam services that day. Planned loco will be ex-Irish Sugar Company steam locomotive O&K No.3. Dept Dublin Connolly Luas stop @ 09:45, back for 20:00. Pick up at CityNorth Hotel (Matthews Coaches stop) at 10:05. One of the carriages will be restored Park Royal No.1944, so a great chance to sample the real thing before IRM's hotly anticipated models arrive. There will plenty of time in Downpatrick to travel on the steam trips, visit the Carriage Gallery and get food in the town at your leisure (and maybe even a sneaky bit of retail therapy). 30 places available, advance booking essential. https://www.tailtetours.com/event-details/downpatrick-county-down-railway-day-tour
  17. 121s wouldn't have been unknown on beets. They also appeared on passengers, sometimes in pairs but sometimes single (using Rosslare turntable at the end). Few photos here of 121s on the Waterford-Rosslare passenger run in 2000: https://www.facebook.com/groups/259793900804215/permalink/440591499391120/ (you might need to join to view)
  18. The footbridge used it Wellington Bridge is oddly similar to the standard Hornby footbridge, or at least would give the right 'feel'.
  19. I was discussing this with @jhb171achill the other day, there's reference out there in the Boocock book about one of the Bandon tanks carrying 'dark blue-green', anyone have a picture of this? My wild guess is that it refers to the darker late 40s/early 50s shade CIE used but pure speculation.
  20. Not a bad idea...
  21. That Macmine one is just gorgeous, haven't seen any from that angle before.
  22. Our latest blog article recaps the "Suir Lee Knot" railtour from Cork to Waterford (More photos on our Facebook page). You might even spot a few heads from this very forum... https://www.tailtetours.com/post/the-suir-lee-knot-railtour-recap
  23. I know what you mean. 209 requires putting the new numerals up slightly higher than where 206's are, and had no nameplate. Why 209? When I was 12 a kindly NIR driver invited me up to its cab in Connolly and its been my 'favourite' 201 ever since. We shall see...
  24. I was going through some of my own gear last night and copped that my Lima 206 (which I intend on changing to 209 but as an aside) box actually has Paddy Murphy's signature on the label, had it ages and only twigged. Wonder what the story there is... (not posting a photo as I'm not wild about putting people's signatures up online for obvious reasons...)
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