Sorry just seen. Yes, I remember 8 car 2600s in action on the northern suburban in the mid 2000s though originally 4 was more common, but gangways were in use.
They weren't unknown to run in multiple with 2800s on DSER line services and again the gangways were in use.
Re: specials, Táilte did look at operating a tour taking in GVS but unfortunately resources and scheduled works precluded it this year, however we've had some nice chats with NIR people about the future...
Worth remembering the acceptance procedure for a loco to run on the mainline has taken years in some cases, it wouldn't be worth the while going through for it a one off tour (aside from all the other points).
I gave into temptation by the model devil who possessed me and added the P class to my cart. Always had a penchant for the smaller Terrier-esque locos.
On enquiring, Rails have advised me that there's no need to do anything, "the orders will be transferred automatically as they are" so sounds like a nice hassle free experience, kudos to Hattons and Rails for looking after the customer.
If you look on certain Facebook groups, there are a few who seem to love posting about the ITG/Moyasta's alleged failings without offering anything positive to help.
"It's too far to volunteer at Carrick/Downpatrick" - but will drive to Moyasta to take pictures they can post up and moan about.
One actually blatantly admitted to wishing he'd stolen bits off an A class... some "enthusiast".
Everyone has to start somewhere. W&SVR have put a lot of effort into getting where they are today (20 years+ operating Ireland's longest heritage line 7 days a week over the summer), I don't doubt their ability to develop steam loco maintenance procedures too.
At a guess maybe the ferts came down from Arklow on another service and were added in Wexford?
(Unless of course they're empties going back for Albatross in New Ross and were tripped from Waterford?).