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Everything posted by BabyGM

  1. Can anyone tell me where to get the bunch of wires and clips that he used to do the Athearn Can they be got in Ireland or England , or would I have to get them from America
  2. Lads I have just gotten a Hornby Dean gods to be converted into no 186! I'm extra happy with this because I was in the cab of no 186 in connolly yard when my uncle treated me to a trip around the yard and the CTC office
  3. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! €250 less to be spent on a controller Or €250 more to be spent on 071's:banana:
  4. Which package did you have ? This http://www.ehattons.com/22085/Gaugemaster_Controls_DCC02_Prodigy_Advance_2_starter_DCC_controller_package_/StockDetail.aspx or this http://www.ehattons.com/31909/Gaugemaster_Controls_DCC03_Prodigy_Advance_2_Wireless_starter_DCC_controller_package/StockDetail.aspx Thanks
  5. Before this problem came was the Advance 2 a good controller as I have my eye on one for my new layout
  6. Lads I noticed on the MM website the 071 is said to be made by Bachmann Irish Rail Class 071 Loco in CIE Supertrain, IR, IE, IE Frieght, & NIR liveries including weathered versions (Bachmann). Coming October 2012 (From MM website) I thought it was being made by a different company??
  7. The 071 certainly look fabulous and I am confident they will be even better in the flesh ,although I'm only getting two I am kit building/scratch building two more so it will be an interesting comparison
  8. An update on track laying; Nearly all of the points at the station have been installed I'm just waiting on a few more points I also installed a home made expansion joint out of old track I will paint them when I get all the track laid
  9. Can't wait to get an 071 and weather it up nicely:o
  10. Looking Good!
  11. Excellent, they will come in handy when I start on whatever loco I choose, Thanks:)
  12. It's alright, I read his workbench and particularly that tutorial many times on the 'old old' forum, though some people who haven't seen it might be interested Thanks again lads
  13. I was very tempted to buy a fairburn tank when I saw one (or a similar model) on display in The Model Shop Belfast, but I just got track and a few other bits instead:(
  14. GREAT work, Dunluce Castle is looking very well and I see you couldn't stop yourself weathering it
  15. thanks:tumbsup:
  16. Lads ,thanks for all the help ,though ye have given me another problem Which one do I pick?
  17. Just found them on the Hornby site Thanks again:D
  18. David, Who makes the Southern Railways T9 and the schools class?
  19. Thanks lads
  20. Can anyone tell me are there any RTR steam engines that can be modified to be Irish as I'd like to have some loco's to haul my Cravens and RPSI Mk 2's My main interest would be RPSI loco's: 171 Slieve Gullion 085 Merlin No.4 No.186 Thanks:)
  21. Some great pics there Kirley Thanks for sharing:)
  22. Looking Good!
  23. I primed the now mk 3's today I'll post some pictures later I Couldn't do any detailing as I have no plasticard
  24. Hi Guys I thought I'd post a tutorial of a project I'm doing at the moment It's really only necessary if you have spare Mk 4's hanging around and you don't wan't to pay alot of money for a new rake of Mk 3's I start by clamping a ruler to the cut line and marking where you want to start/stop cutting. I remove the 8 windows and one vent/square window I then re-arrange them as Vent-Windowx8-vent I then glue them to them main body using plastic weld Then I fill in the gaps or strengthen the line if necessary I'll update with the finishing touches and painting when I get them done
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