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The Derry Road

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Everything posted by The Derry Road

  1. Richrua, running timetables and various stock movements are currently at the planning stage. I have a large variety of stock and I'm considering different running themes. For example shunting and running cement trains on St Stephens Green side and cattle wagon and mixed goods shunting and running on the Rachelstown side between the passenger traffic all of which will be tied to signal instructions. TDR
  2. Kieran I am were possible making my own, however all the heads and leds are purchased, the brass tubing, channel, laddering and flat bar etc I got from model shops. I have several designs of brackets and gantries to construct for the various positions on the layout. Strange but I'm really enjoying this part TDR
  3. Hi guys back at the layout after a well-deserved break from ballasting etc. next on the agenda is the signalling, with work just started on the first five, here is an update of their progress thus far, phone boxes and ID plates yet to be fitted, then painting, placing and connecting to the control panel. Also waiting fitting is the shunt signal and the theatre box for signal 12. Signals 2, 6 and 8 will be platform mounted. From left to right is, 12, 2, 8, 1 and 6. There is 31 in total to make. Couple of pics attached. TDR Thanks for viewing TDR
  4. Great craftsmanship as usual, keep it coming.TDR
  5. Another senior moment Leslie there is only 5 x's in Fxxxxxg
  6. Great progress Noel:tumbsup: keep it coming=D
  7. Looking forward to pics of your rebuild, very interesting scenes, loving it TDR
  8. Love the engineering scene and keep the pictures coming on the progress TDR
  9. BTB Two of the smaller tanks were picked up 2nd hand locally, the other small and the large tanks were in a Kibri set on ebay.TDR
  10. Unfortunately I have to work this weekend, I'd loved to had been joining with the group visit, but work has to come first. Have a very enjoyable trip and day out. Lots of pics please. TDR
  11. The silos are from parts of Kibri kits, some parts have had to be widened and or changes to height to allow the bubbles in TDR
  12. BTB, I will be slowing down now considerably when the ballasting has had final touches, A good running session is now planned for the next week or two. I will then start work on an accurate Colour light signalling programme consisting of 31 signals as designed for me to suit the layout by another member of this forum. This will take considerable amount of time to construct/complete, however I will also be detailing the remainder of the layout as bits and pieces and time become available. watch this space.TDR
  13. Boskonay I got these from the site below on ebayTDR http://www.ebay.co.uk/usr/riversidemodels-direct
  14. Hi Folks Update on St Stephens Green side of the layout showing stages of ballasting before during and after applications. Also showing the positions of some of the plant areas at their current state Enjoy A well deserved running secession for a week or two now, then a full implimention of colour light signalling starts TDR
  15. Northman I to am using DC, my layout is divided into 18 section and powered by three controllers, controller a, can power any of the 18, controller b, powers both main lines and the branch line, controller c, powers the goods, engine shed,turntable and the oil and cement depots. This allows both main lines to run whilst you can shunt with a third loco. You can read about this in my layout thread, Rachelstown & St Stephens Green. The controllers are H&M Duette and clipper TDR
  16. Superb piece of modelling Nelson. Your skills are first class, well done TDR
  17. BTB the boards are 15mm plywod strengthened by 2/1 under. The St Stephens Green is same plywood strengthen on 25mm plywood as drawers will be fitted under shortly. TDR
  18. Broithe is there someone in the third picture on the first wagon??? TDR
  19. Thanks Noel and all others for the support TDR
  20. Dave, Its a mix of 2/3 woodland scenic medium grey blend and 1/3 Gaugemaster grey in medium size.TDR
  21. Ballasting is still ongoing down at Rachelstown with the PW crew putting finishing touches to the track. The PW crew will move tonight to St Stephens Green where Ballasting will continue A well earned rest will be taken when this is complete, ballasting is so boring yet necessary TDR
  22. Some pictures of the ballast around the station area, I've purposely left the point blades clear for now as the instruction shows a different method of application hopefully get them done over this weekend, TDR Many thanks for looking in TDR
  23. Current update Hi everyone, it’s been a long three weeks with lots of running trains to make sure all track/points are ok. All missing sleepers were replaced last night into the spaces were track was joined together. Platforms and roads have received first coat of primer to tone all bits similar colour. I have now received all the ballast required for the whole layout, it is a mix of 2/3 woodland scenic medium grey blend and 1/3 Gaugemaster grey in medium size. The first application will be applied dry this evening. I’ve watched the “shows you how to series” produced by the guy whom build Everard Junction on you tube and his methods and instructions are first class so I’ll be following his technique. Pictures to follow shortly. TDR:-bd
  24. Pure brilliance Kieran, superb:tumbsup:TDR
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