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The Derry Road

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Everything posted by The Derry Road

  1. Very nice piece of modeling, well done TDR
  2. Hunslett, love the layout and rolling stock. Very inspirational. More pics please TDR
  3. I'm in, and looking forward to being there TDR
  4. jhb171achill I would love to go. Have sent you a PM TDR
  5. Super video footage, those where the days, sadly gone TDR
  6. A daunting task Kieran, I had a similar situation earlier with two points as explained on the day you visited my layout , you advised me of this method you use and I can support your efforts and advice in this maintaince task TDR
  7. Absolute brilliance JM, look forward to seeing it grow and develope, good luck TDR
  8. Yes I'm getting blocked by copyright notice.TDR
  9. I remember watching him being filmed walking down Shipquay Street in Derry in '93. I'm sure I have this recorded on VHS video too, must dig it out and watch it again. Can't watch it tonight as I have to work:((
  10. Very nice indeed, more realistic.
  11. Love the whole concept of this, good luck with the building Did you make out the signal positions yourself or are they based on actual real positions and aspects TDR
  12. My layout (Rachelstown and St Stephens Green) is wired for three controllers as DC through DPDT centre off switches. This is for the future if I choose to convert to DCC. It would then be operable as DCC or DC at the flick of a switch, literally. However chipping approximately 140 Locos to convert to DCC is financially out of the question, having said that four already are fitted with Chips. So possibly some more my be done to have a DCC running evening/weekend. TDR
  13. Really enjoyed following Tara junction. Look forward to mk2, good luck building, please keep the updates and accompanying stories coming TDR
  14. Having watched the videos posted several times in response to my request I've decided to go with the woodland scenics method. The necessary components have been ordered and awaiting delivery. Will put up pictures of the progress in my layout thread. Many thanks to all contributors whom offered advice. TDR
  15. Great thread, will be following the progress with interest, keep your posts and pictures coming, well done TDR
  16. Very nice locos, and well detailed scenes, really love those wagons. Well done TDR
  17. Thanks for all the kind and encouraging comments guys, TDR
  18. Very tidy looking van Kieran. great job as always TDR
  19. Westy and Scahalane thank you both for your kind and encouraging comments TDR
  20. Nelson thank you for the pictures. Yes, something similar only wider and slightly deeper effect. There is a waterfall behind the viaduct, left hand side leading from the back scene, so a mixture of your river and that one in the woodland scenic video. Many thanks TDR
  21. Thanks Kieran, Yes a bit of green and it starts to come alive and together as a model, I think over the next month the layout will totally transform when paint, grass, hedge and undergrowth have been added/applied. Enjoyed talking to you at bangor Show. Your welcome to visit, Will email your later tonight, TDR
  22. Thanks Noel, your comments and interest are appreciated. TDR
  23. A few more from a slight distance Still a few more trees on order to be planted/located when they arrive, then painting and detailing will start, Thanks for taking the time to view. TDR
  24. Current update with the plastering, “all complete”. I placed a few trees on location to see how they looked, after a bit of juggling they were finally placed and each tree placed in location by tree, location number and photographed, just in case removal were to become necessary down the line, no pun intended. Here is a few pictures.TDR
  25. I think Glenderg and Dunluce castle, hit exactly on what I’m seeking to create. TDR
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