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The Derry Road

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Everything posted by The Derry Road

  1. GSR 800, will do this weekend. I've been working my way round towards the station area and finished off today at the platform edges. Hopefully I will have completed the whole of the basic greenery by Sunday and I'll post a few then, from both ends of the station. TDR
  2. What a mega collection:drool:
  3. Few more pictures to show the progress to date, showing the basic foundation of scenery before detailing with shrubbery, briers and some finer detail etc
  4. Dave I'm unsure of the location of the backscene, its from the Gaugemaster range, I,ve used three of these throughout the layout all different of course TDR
  5. Boskonay the viaduct is three wills kits with extensions to get the six arches. TDR
  6. David I used some woodland scenic and heki trees and sea foam dipped into 50/50 PVA glue/water then dusted with scatter for the rest of the trees. Ground cover is again woodland scenics clump foliage, rubberised horse hair dipped into the glue mix and rolled in scatter (scatter from Jarvis range).and all glued on. and sprayed with cheap tesco hair spray to hold in place
  7. garfieldsghost the castle ruins where purchased fron ebay, and look really simular to the hornby version.TDR
  8. Thanks everyone for your comments, is gives great encouragement and satisfaction. TDR
  9. Yes kieran we've had more than our fair share of rain this last few days, I took your advise you gave me on the seafoam for extra trees and foilage etc during your visit. I think I've made up about 80 extra trees/bushes etc, so I'll see how far that goes, maybe do about half of the layout. TDR
  10. Start of the geern stuff, this weeks effords so far Hopefully get some more done tonight, viaduct just had its first coat after priming, thanks for looking in TDR
  11. richrua, enjoy your coaches when you get them, very nice coaches they are, in either livery. I run a rake of 6 in early livery and 6 in the later one as the notion takes.TDR
  12. Excellent model Leslie, superb craftsmanship. TDR
  13. Kieran, superb as always, more videos please. TDR
  14. nice livery, and looks fantastic.TDR
  15. off to a good start ttc0169 and looking good so far. TDR
  16. First class Des, I will be placing an order shortly for a set of these. TDR
  17. First class piece of modelling,hats off to your abilities sir, TDR
  18. Couldn't had put better myself Noel, well said
  19. Looks great, very interesting thread, keep pics coming TDR
  20. Great looking models, well done. TDR
  21. This has been my first copy of New Irish Lines and it is superb reading, great Magazine:tumbsup: looking forward to the next issue.TDR
  22. Great piece of info Kieran:tumbsup:TDR
  23. I would be inclined to go with disused shed or only in use on preservation days out to maintain steam locos TDR
  24. What wonderful info, my wife and I have family coats of arms/crests from both families in our back sitting room. This gives us a better understanding or thier origins. Just brilliant. TDR
  25. Like the pit scene.TDR
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