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Everything posted by Noel

  1. Brilliant, I love it. Great find. Ditto. For 1974 that 125 proved a reliable revenue earner and was an elegant looker for 40 years ago. In model form those BR mk3 coaches redefined track curve radius they were so long.
  2. Thanks to all who have made responses so far to the mini-survey.
  3. I could watch video's of trains operating on this layout all day. I just love watching it. The Park Royals look great. I really like the Green snail and Black'n'Tan era you are modelling. Fabulous layout. Happy days - enjoy. PS: I was doodling today with some video clips of recent A class arrival on her maiden run, but after watching this I don't think I'll dare post a video so boring.
  4. I've fond memories of that little railway many many summers ago when we used to bring our children to see it and travel the short run. On the southerly coast of the Dingle bay ria there is another track bed which I had always thought was a narrow gauge line, formerly operated by GS&WR but I think it must have been 5'3". From the road the mountain side trackbed is clearly visible for miles with many small bridges still intact. The scenery down there is awesome, what it must have been like travelling by train on some of those lines.
  5. Hi garfieldsghost Apologies! Well it was a fair bit wider than just 121s and A's. Was interested folks general modelling interests, era, liveries, preferences for specs, as well as some specifics in existing stock, possible 're-runs' of locos and coaches, as well as possible future locos and coaching stock. I unfortunately could not include anything on freight stock as I was limited to only 10 questions. As I said this was for fun rather than being a comprehensive scientific survey. Noel
  6. Thanks Alan & Dave. I will put the results up here in a few weeks or when 100 responses have been completed. I don't really want to comment on any aspect of it till then in case it influences spontaneity of answers. Noel
  7. Hi Folks. Just for fun and information a very simple survey. Some of it is hypothetical. Answers are anonymous. I was limited for space so I am sure I have left some obvious things out, so please forgive. SURVEY: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/B239JG8 I'll post statistical results in a month or so. Cheers Noel MODS: If I have put this in the wrong forum please feel free to move it.
  8. "shopping centre"? Well a row of shops but I believe it had been called a shopping centre, back in a time when small things in Ireland easily impressed us all. But yes it was a cracking good model shop, the best I can ever remember anywhere in Ireland. The layouts, space and in store displays seemed second to none, but might just be my 'rose tinted glasses'. It was the first time I had ever seen a Z gauge layout.
  9. I have vague but fond memories of an amazing model railway shop in Rathfarnham over 40 years ago that had an N, Z and OO gauge layout on display in store.
  10. Hi Fran. No I didn't think anybody would want to buy 60 models of anything. 121 or 'A' in the next five years would be equally welcome. Anyway back on topic, the video of the 141/181 with the Zimo 'real drive' sound chip sounded great. I haven't heard a bass reflex speaker close up yet so I don't know if and how much difference they make. Ballybeg however does make a perfect backdrop for testing any sound loco. Nite all. Noel
  11. Prototype Numbers. Could be wrong though. In their day the 60 A class locos were the backbone of the network and I'm guessing more folks have 'nostalgia' memory of seeing and traveling on trains hauled by A class than the small 121 fleet. Also from a modelling perspective is it possible folk may buy only a pair of 121s to run nose to nose in double header pairs, but over time buy a stable of A classes due to their operational diversity. Fleet size: 60 x MV A class 15 x GM 121 class
  12. Hi IRM. Well I guess a 121 could be even tighter for space than a 141/181 body. The 4ohm speakers fitted into the 071/201s are not bass reflex but sound ok with the higher pitched engines. I suspect the quieter revving baby GMs could benefit from a little more bass especially at idle and lower RPMs. I know most folk seem to be longing for 121s as the next MM product but 001 (A) class could perhaps outsell 121s by 3:1 as well as having a slightly lower production cost due to simpler body form (i.e. one piece upper body mould and no hand rails to stick on), as well as having oceans of internal space for weight and larger speakers. Whatever new locos MM decide to produce in the next 5 years or so I will be happy with. Their locos are superb. Cheers. Noel
  13. I thought the TCS decoders I used had a DC function once enabled in CV29. Will double check later in case I'm getting mixed up. I've been mucking around with so many different decoders these past few months a bit of 'doughalitis' may have set in. Noel
  14. Hi Kevin. A function only decoder has no power output to drive a motor. Noel
  15. It used to be an Airfix kit in the 70s. I still have one painted green on the layout. It came with optional extension pieces in case it was mounted at track level rather than on a platform when less air draft clearance would be needed. Its funny how the moulds and tooling for many popular long standing kits have moved from one company to another over the years.
  16. Alan I just tried a Lenz Silver+ 21 in an MM 071 and it operated the lights, but only the one of the cab lights. Hadn't time to map functions, but will try tomorrow. It correctly ran the white and red directional running lights F0+F1 together, plus F2 for the directional head beam. F5 turned one of the cab lights on but not directional. I will read up on the Lenz decoder tomorrow to see if this function can be mapped. Btw, it ran the loco super quiet and smoothly in terms of drive/acceleration. Noel
  17. It is not the same decoder, the 'Fx' is a function only decoder lacking motor drive.
  18. LokPilot Fx V4, which is a function only decoder is NOT the same decoder as MM0005 It seems to be the similar to ESU 54615 LokPilot V4 which is retailing in Germany at €26. The LokPilot Fx is a function only decoder without motor drive, but the LokPilot v4 has motor drive. BUT it only has FOUR functions. http://kieskemper-shop.de/Esu-Spur-HO-ESU-Decoder-54615-DCC---DC-21-pol-MTC-V4-0/a31242642_u1160_z63f0f43f-b1b0-4c7b-b9ec-e6ee643bbf26/
  19. If M0005 is same decoder as ESU 54615 LokPilot V4.0 then €37 seems high when it is only €26 in Germany Even if you have to map the functions in program mode €26 v €37 seems a stretch just for pre-programming which will only take you a few mins if it is needed at all. http://kieskemper-shop.de/Esu-Spur-HO-ESU-Decoder-54615-DCC---DC-21-pol-MTC-V4-0/a31242642_u1160_z63f0f43f-b1b0-4c7b-b9ec-e6ee643bbf26/ Haven't had time to see how many of the lights work with the other 4fn decoders (i.e. Lenz/Bachmann). EDIT: LokSound FX is not the same as MM0005, the Fx is a function only decoder
  20. Hi Alan I think you will need a 4 function decoder such as a LokPilot v4 21 pin or a Lenz Silver+ 21 pin. On the LokSound and LokPilot the light functions on 071/201 are: F0 is the directional running lights (i.e. uses two function outputs white/red lights) F4 the main beam head light (directional) F8 the cab lights (directional) If you give me an hour or two I will pop a Lenz Silver+ into an 071 and try the lights. If I get time I will also try a 36-557. I know the LokPilot and LokSound work. Noel PS: Most decent decoders also allow you to dim the cab lights which is useful on 071 as the cab lights are ridiculously bright and I have mine dimmed 60%.
  21. Ditto - me too. A 182 discovered on sale in the Fry Museum about 2008 or 2009 when I'd been out of the hobby for 13 years. I just had to buy it on the spot as I had never seen a quality Irish GM loco before. Didn't run it until 2014 but was wow'ed and gobsmacked by its precision running quality and appearance. I remember wondering where and how did this product happen. In quality terms both running and appearance, it surpasses the later 071 and especially the 201s. Baby GMs fit and look well on model layout radius curves and are stunning double headed.
  22. Thanks Richie. That is a fantastic knowledge resource ala 'wiki richie'. Excellent. Thanks for link. Noel
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