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Everything posted by Noel

  1. That link is a super thread IT. I found the Mk3 supertrain coach conversion, kadee and weathering post very useful and informative (bookmarked). Your supertrain Mk3s look spot on colour wise and also the black intercity decals look great.
  2. They both look really well. Nice coach livery.
  3. Well all I can express as a recent customer, is that I was more than happy with the three items I have bought from them so far, and I will be buying at least four more locos from them. As I said in the thread that was unfortunately hijacked a few weeks ago, their products ticked enough boxes for me personally. I appreciate that's only my opinion. Live and let live. Satisfied customer bought these: GSV Black&Tan (mk1) Dutch GSV Black&Tan weathered A Class Loco Black&Tan weathered
  4. But the chassis is not of the same standard as the MM
  5. Interesting clip of mk3 supertrain sound demo, but I was just interested in the coach colours and the black intercity lettering. These look quite good and close to loco colour. [video=youtube_share;oDiEKnC-Q-I]
  6. PS: Best prices for Lenz decoders seem to be from German web sites or amazon.de. Up to 37% less expensive than UK sites. It kind of makes sense Euro2Euro skipping UK trade channel currency hops. PS2: Has anybody installed off the shelf lighting kits in their SF A or C class locos? I presume there are kits designed for BR outline diesels that would do for the Hornby class 55 now used in SFs.
  7. Sublime and atmospheric. Loved the 1944 countryside theme with Ike's military build up before D-day. Great matching sound track too.
  8. Hi Alan, Paul Sure I will let you know as soon as the 8 pin Lenz is installed. Will try and video the loco at various transition speeds over insulfrog point work which is the real test. Crawling on straight track tells you nothing, crawling over insulfrog points tells you a lot about the chassis (and decoder). I tried adjusting CVs but the basic Hornby decoder doesn't support most of the usual CVs so it was a rather fruitless exercise. It doesn't even support CV5!!! Noel PS: Paul, what livery did you go for? and if you get a chance to post a pic that would be great.
  9. Hi Paul. I'm going to replace the basic Hornby decoder with a Lenz silver in the next week or so. Will let you know how it goes after the change. Likewise I certainly will not need to add any weight. So far I am more than happy with the SF MV. It looks right at home hauling a pair of IFM Park Royals behind a GSV, or mixed freight loose coupled wagons. I have a single MM 201 in green/silver, but hope to acquire a few more SF metro vics rathar than 201s. My favourite era is around the 1960s so these metro vics fit in really well with the 141 and 181 fleet I've been collecting. Black and Tan is the livery, but an SF in CIE green is next on my wish list. Noel
  10. Agree. Dreamland. It's a Lima chassis after all which was the 'Lada' of model runners. IMHO it's probably not even worth €80 when one can buy a new MM 201 for €150-170 from established quality retailers. MM being a precision double flywheel centre drive chassis with 8 wheel drive and all wheel pickup, it's no contest with any Lima loco.
  11. Very interesting observations. Most of the 121 models I have seen so far have greatly exaggerated the sloping part of the body roof near the cab end. On the prototype it was very subtle.
  12. Hi BK. Ah, I got a little confused between http://irishrailmodels.com and the Resources section of this website. Excellent. FYI, I couldn't find 071s in the Resources section, were they added in the import? I presume in time more stock from IFM, SF, SSM, etc, may become part of it also. Thanks. Noel
  13. Recently received one of these from SF in weathered 'black and tan' livery and very pleased with it.
  14. Hi BTB. Looking forward to seeing it when you get a chance to upload or link the photo. What livery did you go for? And yes I too was pleasantly surprised how heavy the loco was. Enjoy, it's a nice model. Noel
  15. Thanks IT. I'll probably put a spare Lenz silver in it when I get time to open it up and add lights. Noel
  16. This gently weathered Dutch GSV arrived this week from Silverfox. I am pleased with it (please no slagging match like the A class thread). PS: By coincidence I also spotted a Dutch GSV for sale on ebay today by IFM (see ebay thread).
  17. Just noticed this on ebay http://www.ebay.ie/itm/Irish-Rail-CIE-Dutch-steam-heating-van-ideal-for-murphy-models-etc-New-/261767106946?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item3cf2891182 Have IFM produced their own Dutch GSV model? It looks slightly different to the Silverfox one.
  18. Wow. And she's flying at a scale speed of mach 0.82 But the first one you posted seems incredible to get elevator, ailerons, rudder, throttle, flaps and retracts is just nano engineering at its best.
  19. Well I guess the power to weight ratio is interesting so she probably flies at quite a high airspeed due to high Vs. Would love to see it in flight though. I presume it could only successfully operate if indoors in still air.
  20. Speak for your bleedin' self! Life thought me the hard way to be patient and learn how to be 'content'. What will be will be, and what won't won't. And I don't even smoke.
  21. Incredible miniaturisation. I have the paper plans for a 1/5th scale P51 (Ziroli plans) to be powered by a Zenoa 62cc petrol engine. Need to finish the B25 first.
  22. Well done for having a go at such a difficult conversion. Looks promising. Look forward to end result. The new cab windows look good.
  23. No hurry, very happy to wait another 4 or 5 years. Have enough for now. Need to spend more time on construction than running anyway!
  24. That is a really excellent resource. Does it need a little updating? (e.g. MM 071 locos, IFM RTR stock, SF RTR stock, SSM, etc)
  25. Hmmm, hopefully MM might produce an A '001' class model before a 121. I'd be happy with either, but 'A' models should fly off the shelves as well as costing less to produce than 121s, due to less intricate parts requiring less manual labour during assembly (e.g. one piece body, no hand rails, integrated cab ends). How we consumers dream with no comprehension of model manufacturing economics!
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